  • 期刊


Effects of Material Composition on Water Absorption and Thickness Swelling of Wood-powder Polypropylene Composites



木材塑膠複合材料(Wood-Plastic Composites, WPCs)因具有完全回收、良好強度與低吸水性等優點,在現今高油價的趨勢下,而成為備受矚目的環保材料。但複合材料具有多元變數,且現今市場商品中,WPCs的吸濕膨脹性以及後續所帶來的翹曲缺點,仍為一大課題,故本試驗探討不同木粉率與添加劑對WPCs吸濕厚度膨脹率的影響,並利用掃瞄式電子顯微鏡與傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜加以佐證觀察。研究結果顯示,木粉率越高,密度呈現直線正相關,吸水量、含水率及厚度膨脹率皆呈指數正相關;若要與純塑膠一樣具有低厚度膨脹率,則木粉含量最高可占總重的47%。添加劑的影響可以分為耦合劑與潤滑劑,添加馬來酸酐聚丙烯(Maleated polypropylene , MAPP)時可改善木粉與塑膠之界面接合效果;不含耦合劑之WPCs,其含水率與厚度膨脹率會較大;潤滑劑為硬脂酸鋅,過多的硬脂酸鋅會使厚度膨脹率加大,藉由SEM的觀察,添加過多硬脂酸鋅的WPCs,木粉與聚丙烯之間無法良好結合,如同不含耦合劑時的試片狀態。


Wood-Plastic Composite (WPC) is one of highly attractive materials because of its recycling resource, great mechanical strength and low water absorption. The high petroleum price also makes WPCs prominent. However, the hybrid composite is provided with complex and various disadvantages including thickness swelling and warpage found in commercial products. In this research, the purpose was to investigate the effects of wood flour ratio and additives contents on the water absorption and thickness swelling of WPCs. The results showed that a positive linear relationship between wood flour ratio and density, and a positive exponential relationships between wood flour ratio and water absorption, moisture content and thickness swelling, respectively. Composites containing 47% wood flour exhibited the same level of thickness swelling with pure plastic samples. Two additives used in the research were coupling agent (Maleated polypropylene, MAPP) and lubricant (Zinc stearate). The addition of MAPP displayed a beneficial effect by improving the quality of adhesion between polymer and fibers. Without MAPP, moisture content and thickness swelling of WPCs were significant higher than those of added samples (1.5%-9% MAPP). Samples containing excessive zinc stearate (over 6%) also led to the result as the samples without MAPP.
