  • 期刊


Application of Pin Incising Treatment on Improving the Penetration Performance of Preservatives for Domestic Timber




This study investigated three kinds of pin incising treatments and different concentration solutions of ACQ-BKC and CuAz preservatives on the penetration performance of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica), Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides), and Taiwan ash (Fraxinus griffithii). The hazard classes of the preservative treated wood were evaluated according to the retention of active ingredients (copper compounds) and the penetration of preservatives in the treated specimens. The experimental results showed that the penetrations of preservative treated wood of Japanese cedar, Taiwania, and Taiwan ash could conform K4 and K5 outdoor use class penetration requirements of 80%. The ACQ-BKC preservative was found to have the higher penetration than that of CuAz preservative. The penetration of preservatives could be improved effectively by pin incising treatment. The ACQ-BKC solution concentrations for preservative treated wood could conform K4 and K5 hazard classes of Japanese cedar, Taiwania, and Taiwan ash should be at least of 6.2% and 15.4%; 7.1% and 15.5%; 4.2% and 12.4%, respectively. The CuAz solution concentrations for preservative treated wood could conform K4 and K5 hazard classes of Japanese cedar, Taiwania, and Taiwan ash should be at least of 7.4% and 12.0%;9.4% and 16.3%; 5.7% and 9.8%, respectively. The pin incising treatment with a density of 10,000 holes/m^2 and a depth of 10 mm could effectively improve the penetration performance of wood preservatives. It is suggested that the industry can apply this technology to improve the preservation quality of preservative treated wood.
