  • 期刊


Determination of Thioctamide in Tablets by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography


本研究發展出一種高效液相層析法,可用於分離、定量單方或複方強肝錠劑中之Thioctamide成分,簡單、迅捷且具特異性。使用Shimadzu PC 8-10 (10μm, 4mm I.D.×250mm)為層析管,以1%冰醋酸與乙腈(60:40)之混合液為移動相,Clofibric Acid為內部標準品,於250nm波長處以紫外光偵測器偵測之。標準曲線(Standard Curve)之線性迴歸方程式為Y=0.1684 X-0.0064,相關係數r=0.9998(濃度範圍為0.085~0.425mg/ml)。注射不同濃度之模擬檢體各六次,所得平均回收率為100.95%,市售檢體含量測定實驗之變異係數為0.48%,顯示本法準確、可靠,適用於市售藥品錠劑之檢驗分析。


A simple, rapid and specific method of high-performance liquid chromatography for the separation and determination of thioctamide in pharmaceutical priparations has been developed. In this study the mobile phase was a mirxed solvent which contain 40% acetonitrile and 60% aqueous solution of 1% acetic acid, the internal standard was clofibric acid, the detection wavelength was set at 250 nm, the column was the product of Shimadzu Company (PC 8-10, 10μm, 4mm I.D.×250 mm), the flow rate of mobile phase was 1 ml/min. Results indicated an equation of the regression analysis for a standard curve (concentration of thioctamide versus peak height ratios) was Y=0.1684 X-0.0064, and coefficient of correlation (r) for the analysis was 0.9998 (from 0.085 mg/ml to 0.435 mg/ml). Recovery studies of model sample solutions gave a value of 100.95% (n=6). The coefficient of variation for the assay of a marketed product was 0.48%, We conclude that this study provides a precise and reliable method which is applicable to the analysis of commercial tablets.


