  • 期刊


Survey on Sanitary Status of Polystyrene Paper and Polystyrene Food Utensils


由於生活形態之改變,外食人口增多情況下,免洗塑膠餐具因其成本低廉及使用後不需清洗即可丟棄之特性,故被大量使用。目前國內使用最廣泛之免洗塑膠餐具其材質多為聚苯乙烯塑膠。本調查自87年7月至88年7月委託台北市政府衛生局及臺灣省政府衛生處至全省各發泡聚苯乙烯食品容器加工廠,抽驗半製品發泡聚苯乙烯紙 58件及發泡聚苯乙烯食品容器18件;另外本局自行價購發泡聚苯乙烯食品容器94件,總計170件樣品。依據行政院衛生署公告之「食品器具、容器、包裝衛生標準」進行材質試驗及溶出試驗。檢驗結果發泡聚苯乙烯紙58件,溶出試驗部分:著色劑、高錳酸鉀消耗量、蒸發殘渣量、重金屬及材質試驗部分:鉛、鎘、揮發性物質、乙苯,均符合衛生標準,僅有1件之苯乙烯項超過衛生標準(1000ppm),檢出量為1092ppm,經衛生局輔導業者改善後,再採樣檢驗,結果符合衛生標準。發泡聚苯乙烯食品容器112件,其材質試驗及溶出試驗均符合衛生標準。本調查係本局之比較檢驗,曾於八十八年八月三十一日發佈新聞。


From August 1998 to July 1999, a total of 170 samples of food utensils including 112 expanded polystyrene food utensils and 58 expanded polystyrene paper samples were analyzed to investigate the sanitation and safety. All testings were carried out following the Hygienic Standards and Methods of Analysis for Food Utensils, Containers and Packaging. The results of 58 expanded polystyrene paper samples showed that the colorant, the consumption of potassium permanganate, the evaporated residues, heavy metal, lead, cadmium, volatile material and ethylbenzene all met the hygienic standards. The styrene content was detected: 1092ppm in one of these samples that did not meet the hygienic standard. All 112 samples of expanded polystyrene food utensils were found to comply with the hygienic standards.


Kao, Y. M. (2012). A Review on Safety Inspection and Research of Plastic Food Packaging Materials in Taiwan. 藥物食品分析, 20(4), 734-743+980. https://doi.org/10.6227/jfda.2012200402
