  • 期刊


Survey on the Heavy Metals in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Containing Cinnabaris and Realgar


依行政院衛生署公告含硃砂成分製劑之硃砂含量為按硫化汞(HgS)計算,應為標誌含量之80.0~120.0%。為了解含硃砂、雄黃市售中藥口服製劑之重金屬含量,執行本計畫。本調查係請各地方衛生局配合抽驗含硃砂、雄黃市售中藥口服製劑,進行重金屬調查研究。抽樣檢體計20件,為不同品名處方之檢體,其中19件標示有硃砂成分,l件標示含雄黃成分。另抽驗經變更處方後不含硃砂之七釐散製劑10件,以供對照,總檢體數計30件,均為傳統中藥。重金屬測定項目除硃砂之汞及雄黃之砷外,並測定鉛、銅及鎘含量。結果如下: 含汞量部份:本次檢體處方標示有硃砂藥材者19件,均檢出硃砂,其硃砂含量少於80.0%者有17件,高於120.0%者2件,分別達138.0%及562.0%。其餘處方不含硃砂之11件檢體中,1件汞含量介於11~20 ppm,2件小於1 ppm,8件未檢出。含砷量部份:除處方標示含雄黃藥材者1件,其含砷量13.2 mg/Tab外,其餘29件檢體中有25件之含砷量均未檢出,1件小於1 ppm,3件介於1~10 ppm。含鉛量大於100 ppm者l件,2件未檢出。30件檢體之含鋼量均小於20 ppm。含鎘量介於l~10 ppm者有3件,小於1 ppm者有26件,l件未檢出。 由上述結果顯示,傳統中藥製劑其重金屬之含量仍待加佳管理。


重金屬 硃砂 雄黃 硫化汞


In order to understand the content of heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, copper and cadmium) in the traditional Chinese medicine especially in Cinnabaris and Realgar, twenty samples were collected by the local health bureaus from July 1999 to April 2000. Among the twenty samples, 19 samples were with Cinnabaris and 1 were with Realgar. Additional ten samples without Cinnabaris were collected at the same time. The results showed that the quantity of Cinnabaries contained in seventeen samples were less than the claimed contents, among these samples, two violated the specification regulation set by the Department of Health. The content of mercury in the samples without Cinnabaris was less than 20 ppm. The content of arsenic in the samples with Realgar was at 13.2 mg per tablet; the content of mercury was not found. One sample with Cinnabaries was found with higher lead content (higher than 100 ppm) when two other samples were not detected with lead. The contents of copper and cadmium 30 samples were less than 20 ppm and 10 ppm, respectively.


Heavy metal Lead Copper Cadmium Mercury Arsenic traditional Chinese medicine


