

骨碎補為常用中藥之一,始載於【本草拾遺】,其基原為水龍骨科植物槲蕨Drynaria fortunei(kze.) J.Sm.的乾燥根莖,別名:猴姜、毛姜、申姜等,主成分含narigin及nariginin等黃酮類。骨碎補因其主傷折補骨碎,故命此名,具補腎強骨,療傷止痛之功能,用於腎虛腰痛、筋骨折傷。自古以來,皆有同名異物之情形發生,故為瞭解目前市售骨碎補之使用情形,本計劃於台北及高雄地區採逢機取樣方式價購骨碎補計30件檢體,另採集同科之槲蕨Drynariafortunei (kze.) J.Sm、光葉槲蕨Drynaria propinqua (Wall. exMett.) Bedd.、崖姜Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching 及骨碎補科之大葉骨碎補Davallia formosana Hay.、杯狀蓋骨碎補Humata griffithiana (Hook.) C.Chr.、海州骨碎補Davallia mariesiim Morre ex Bak.等混淆品以供對照比對。經性狀特徵、組織切片鏡檢及理化鑑別,並與文獻比對,此30件檢體確認皆為大葉骨碎補,應予以釐清。


Gusuibu (Drynariae Rhizoma), also named hou-chiang (猴姜), has been widely used for millennia as a type of traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese generic name of Gusuibu (骨碎補) was obtained due to its pharmacological effects in healing broken bones. The rhizoma of Drynaria fortunei (kze.) J. Sm. (檞蕨) (Polypodiaceae) is adopted in Chinese Pharmacopeia (2000 edition) as the authentic origin of Drynariae Rhizoma. In order to clarify the botanical origins of marketed materials in Taipei and Kaohsiung area, we collected following four samples with similar appearances: the rhizoma of Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching (崖薑蕨), Drynaria propinqua (Wall. Ex Mett.) Bedd (光葉檞蕨), Davallia divaricata Hay. (大葉骨碎補), Humata griffithiana (Hook.) C. Chr. (杯狀蓋骨碎補), Davallia mariesii Morre ex Bak. (海州骨碎補) as the reference specimens. Thirty samples were compared to the Gusuibu and the above reference specimens by pharmacognosy study and chemical identification. In this investigation, none of the samples was identified as Drynaria fortunei (kze.) J. Sm., as all samples were identified as Davallia divaricata Hay. (大葉骨碎補). The appearances of Chinese (herbal medicine) raw materials are very similar, and thus misusage still exists.



