  • 期刊


Analysis on Chinese Medicinal Preparations of Registration and Inspection Cases in Fiscal Years of 2005 to 2007




In this report, analysis data were complied on samples of Chinese medicinal preparations of registration and samples acquired by the local health bureau officers from fiscal year 2005 to 2007. The results were as following. The highest number of registration case was 628 in 2005, and the highest number of inspection case was 129 in 2006. The highest number of total cases was 736 in the fiscal year 2005. The percentage of inadequate was 6.1% in the inspection cases which was higher than the 0.51% in registration cases. In terms of failing to comply with the requirements, for registration categories, 7 cases of identification were the most serious, for inspection categories, 4 cases of average weight and identification were the most serious cases.
