  • 期刊


The Spectrum Character of Different Vegetation Types in the Experimental Forest of NTU




The aims of this study were to interpret varied spectrum characters of SPOT images by using Normal Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and bi-spectrum plot analyses to identify different land use types of agriculture and forestry fields in the NTU Experimental Forest. We chose forty-one SPOT images between 1994 and 2005. Since the spectrum was influenced on some non-surface effects, such as atmosphere, illumination and the change of plant phenology, NDVI value of the spectrum analysis was dependent on the Digital Number (DN), the value of Radiometric Correction and Relative Radiometric Normalization. The results carried out that different land use type were obviously affected by seasonal change. Furthermore, ANOVA in this study indicated that the NDVI value produced by histogram hatch was much better to distinguish different season and vegetation than the NDVI value produced by DN or radiometric value. To eliminate the spectrum variation of DN, using radiometric correction and relative radiometric normalization is suggested when analyzing the changes of vegetations. Thus, the results indicated that the method of histogram patch deserves the best way to clearly identify the variation of vegetation spectrum.
