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The Effect of Gibberellin on Flowering in Three Cultivars of Camellia


茶花品種繁多,開花期因品種而異。如能建立花期調節技術,可以提高特定品種的經濟及觀賞價值。本研究以蒸餾水及500、1000、2000 ppm 激勃素(GA3)溶液注射於山茶花‘十八學士’、‘九曲’和‘荔枝茶’三品種花芽之基部,觀察其對開花時間及開花品質之影響。‘十八學士’經三種濃度激勃素處理,二週後即可見花芽明顯增大、花蕾顯色,花期集中於處理後之3-5週,花徑增加2-3 cm,與對照組相較其花色亦較為鮮豔。‘九曲’於處理後二週可見花蕾顯色,並提早5週開花,花期提早之效果顯著。激勃素處理對花色、花徑沒有影響,不同濃度激勃素處理間的花期差異亦不顯著。‘荔枝茶’經激勃素處理後,在花色、花徑上與對照組相較皆無差異,亦可提早開花3-4週。本研究顯示激勃素處理對提早茶花之花期及開花品質之提升有助益,但不同品種間對激勃素反應具有差異性。


山茶花 激勃素 注射


There have had a quantity of cultivars of camellia and have unique and different flowering season. Therefore, developing techniques for regulation of flowering would increase economical value to particular cultivars. This article compared the effect of infected distilled water and 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm GA3 solution into flower buds of Camellia on flowering quality improvement. Flower bud expanding and color showing of Camellia japonica L. 'Shih Pa Hsuch Shih' were observed two weeks after GA3 treatment. The flowers bloomed with brighter color at 3 to 4 weeks after GA3 treating and had flower diameter 2-3 cm larger than that of the control. Flower buds of C. japonica L. 'Chiu Chu' also showed color two weeks after GA3 applications and bloomed 5-weeks earlier than that of the control. However, no significant difference on flowering time, flower color and diameter was found among treatments. For 'Li Chin Cha', there was no difference on flower color and flower diameter between the control and GA3 treatments, except for flowering 3 to 4 weeks earlier in GA3 applications. In conclusion, GA3 injection resulted in earlier flowering with better blooming quality, but these effects were cultivar dependant in this study.


Camellia Gibberellin injection
