  • 期刊


Growth of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at the Sien-Jin Permanent Plot of NTUEF Chingshueigau Tract


本研究選用國立臺灣大學實驗林清水溝線浸試驗地進行柳杉人工林生長量之研究。該試驗地自1921年設立來至2007年止已進行36次每木調查,其試驗地並於1928與1930年經歷兩次疏伐。研究結果顯示至2007年之平均胸徑為44.5公分,平均樹高為27.3公尺,其平均生長量為每公頃3.96立方公尺,每公頃蓄積量為638.31立方公尺。將胸徑與樹高連年生長情形使用Gompertz Curve進行套配,均能大致符合其生長趨勢。研究中並使用Weibull三參數分布曲線探討林分結構之變化,其參數之變化可反應林分生長之變化趨勢;此繪製其連年材積生長與平均生長曲線,其交界點為理想之輪伐年(1966年,林齡52年)。更精確之柳杉生長量推估及林分結構之變化仍有待後續之持續調查與適宜生長模式之建立。


柳杉 生長量 林分結構


This study focuses on the growth of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don at Sien-Jin plantation site of NTUEF Chingshueigo Tract. This plantation site had been investigated for 36 times since established in 1921. Two thinning operation had also been done in 1928 and 1930. Recent investigation in 2007 showed that the average DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) is 44.5 cm, the average height is 27.3 m while the average increment growth is 3.96 m^3ha^(-1) and the storage is 638.31 m^3ha^(-1). Second, we fit all the DBH and tree height data using Gompertz curve, the result shows that the growth trend fits well with the curve. Next, the variation of the stand structure is illustrated using 3-parameter Weibull distribution probability curve. From the variation of three parameters reveals the growth trend of the stand. Finally, we plot the average and successive annual growth curve and the intersection point of these two curves is the ideal rotation age which is estimated at the age of 52 years in 1966. More accurate estimation of growth of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don relies on the consistent investigations and establishment of suitable growth model in the future.
