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Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on the Climatic Zones of Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University


美國兩顆地球觀測衛星(Aqua/Terra)酬載著中級解析度成像分光輻射度計(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,MODIS),其觀測資料可反演產出1Km空間解析度之地表溫度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)產品。本研究以此地表溫度資料為基礎,建立臺灣逐月氣溫圖層,再結合邱等(2004)之雨量圖層來推算臺大實驗林轄區內崔瓦沙氣候分區,結果顯示較邱等(2004)之結果多3種氣候分區,約佔實驗林轄區面積的2.4%。另於全球尺度之氣候變遷上,利用UKMO-HADGEM1模式預測未來氣候,則顯示實驗林將面臨全年度溫度上升與乾濕季更趨明顯,低海拔逐漸轉為熱帶冬乾氣候,高海拔之寒帶氣候與苔原氣候將逐漸消失等情況,此將是經營上亟需未雨綢繆積極面對的課題。


The observed data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments installed on the Aqua and Terra Earth observation satellites could produce a 1 km-based spatial resolution of land surface temperature (LST). After reversing LST data into a monthly-based temperature data and further integrating with the monthly rainfall data set (Chou et al., 2004) to calculate the Trewartha climatic zones of National Taiwan University Experimental Forest (NTUEF), additional three classified zones (2.4% of total area) are found in this area compared with the investigation of Chou and his colleagues (2004). The future climate classification analysis with UKMO-HADGEM1 global circulation mode indicates that NTUEF face a climatic pattern of increasing annual mean on air temperature and significant dry/wet seasons. The climate classified zone at low altitude area is shifting to ”Tropical deciduous forests/woodland.” Both ”needle-leaf deciduous forest and tundra woodland/steppe,” typical types at the high altitude, are in way of disappearance. The climatic change pattern should be taken into serious consideration in the future forestry management.


