  • 期刊


Citizen Education Participation and Practices in Wetland Management and Community Conservation


溼地是重要的都會區的自然命脈,再加上政府部門越來越強調鼓勵公民提昇公民道德與實踐公民教育在自然保育的相關概念;而非營利組織(Non-profit organization, NPO)與社區營造(Community Building)的落實即成為公民參與保育機制的具體展現。為使溼地在自然界中發揮重要的功能,本文以台中市高美野生動物保護區(又稱高美溼地)作為個案,剖析一個整合教育單位,民間非營利組織與在地居民參與的溼地保護區外來種清除的保育模式,並藉由溼地管理的參與和實踐方式所衍生的環境,社區和學習者三面向的執行成效說明,本研究結果肯定並提出溼地管理與三方組織結合的可能,及在參與過程中可以扮演的角色,以利後續推廣社區保育工作者的參考。


Wetlands are important natural lifeblood of a metropolitan area. As in nature conservation perspectives, government increasingly emphasizes and encourages citizens to enhance civic and moral concepts and practice of civic education. Implementation of non-profit organizations (NPO) and community building are concrete examples of citizen participation. Moreover, to achieve the natural functions and significance of wetlands, participating in educational activities focusing on wetland conservation is required to highlight its benefits. This article illustrates the study results by using Ga-Mai Wildlife Protected Area (Ga-Mai wetlands) in Taichung City as a case study. A combined model of university education and NPO organizations was proposed. Analysis of benefits from education institutions participating in wetland conservation and management was performed. Results from this study could be further applied in cooperation of natural environment, NPO organizations and education institutions. The results of this study expect to achieve citizen participation mechanism through implementation of sustainable wetland education combined with the tripartite organizations and their roles in the process.
