  • 期刊


DNA Barcoding of the Limenitidines (Limenitinae: Nymphalidae) in Taiwan


線蛺蝶是亞洲中低海拔山區最常見的蝴蝶類群,也是演化教科書中經常討論翅紋擬態、輻射適應的重要模式物種。此群蝴蝶在美洲已受到高度研究重視,然而分布於亞洲的成員則鮮少進行研究。基於正確的分類才能落實物種多樣性與特有性評估,本研究以臺灣地區線蛺蝶亞科成員為材料,目的為建立粒線體coxl基因序列庫,協助釐清臺灣地區的線蛺蝶類多樣性以及族群變異,作為亞洲蝶種的基礎鑑定資訊。本研究共增幅臺灣及其鄰近地區共56筆樣本(7屬28種),加上已發表於Gen Bank的序列構成1495條序列矩陣(共237種)。利用鄰近歸群法(Neighbor-Joining method) 與貝氏推論法(Bayesian inference)進行物種親緣關緣分析,結果顯示coxl序列庫可以有效進行線蛺蝶亞科成員的鑑定。然而,在分析過程中亦發現部分蝶種並非單系群(monophyletic group),可能含有隱藏種或者需進一步釐清;而層級以上的譜系關係諸如帶蛺蝶屬(Athyma)、線蛺蝶屬(Limenitis)、縷蛺蝶(Litinga)與俳蛺蝶屬(Parasarpa)的蝴蝶則呈現多系群(polyphyletic groups),釐清這些物種的分類地位則需加入更多樣本與資訊。


The species in the subfamily Limenitidinae are one of the most common butterflies occurring in Asian mountain range at low to medium altitude. Some of them are well-known model species in evolutionary textbooks, which discuss their mimic wing pattern and species radiation. These limenitidines have raised attention in butterfly researchers, however, there is only a few local studies on limenitidines in Asia. Evaluating species diversity and their endemism for development of conservation policies is based on correct classification. Therefore, we sampled the Limenitidinae butterflies in Taiwan as the first step to establishing DNA barcoding library to help with inter- and intra-species identification. In this study, we newly obtained 56 mitochondrial coxl sequences (belonging to seven genera and 28 species), including samples in Taiwan and its surrounding. With the sequences published in GenBank, a 1495 data-matrix (belonging to 237 species) were aligned and examined by the Neighbor-Joining clustering and Bayesian methods for species identification and phylogenetic reconstruction. Our results showed that barcode sequencing can effectively identify the subfamily Limenitidinae butterflies, and some phylogenetic relationships were shown to be paraphyletic or polyphyletic, indicating that further species identification was needed. Our results also showed that the phylogenetic relationships above genus level were not clear based on barcode sequences only, especially the polyphyletic relationships among the genus Athyma, Limenitis, Litinga, and Parasarpa. More information is needed for more robust phylogenetic relationships.


Limenitidini Adoliadini Neptini Biodiversity Barcoding
