  • 期刊


Host Preferences and Occurrences of Bamboo-feeding Aphids in the Xitou Bamboo Arboretum


竹子(竹亞科;Bambusoideae)在材用、食用、工業、園林景觀等方面皆有廣泛的利用,為重要的森林資源之一,對於竹子的蟲害發生與防治是不可或缺的研究工作。本研究以溪頭自然教育園區之竹類標本園為樣區,自2014年2月至2015年1月間,每月調查取食竹子蚜蟲種類與族群數量,結果共記錄3亞科9屬14種蚜蟲種類。不同蚜蟲種類發生與氣候因子的分析,發現月均溫、月累積雨量、月下雨日數等因子對蚜蟲族群發生有影響;而寄主植物偏好性分析發現多數蚜蟲對寄主植物選擇具有偏好性;而綜合蚜蟲發生次數和取食竹種的多樣性、偏好性來評估其危害程度:立鷹扁蚜(Chaitoregma tattakana)、竹葉扁蚜(Astegopteryx bambucifoliae)和亞力山扁蚜(Pseudoregma alexanderi)在溪頭竹類標本園為主要危害的蚜蟲種類,竹粉蚜(Melanaphis bambusae)、竹莖扁蚜(P. bambucicola)、恆春扁蚜(P. koshunensis)等為季節性發生危害,而竹莖蝨蚜(Cerataphis bambusifoliae)、刀腹竹斑蚜(Chucallis latusigladius)、毛竹綿粉蚜(Phyllaphoides bambusicola)、桂竹白斑蚜(Takecallis arundinariae)等數種,在其所偏好取食的竹種會發生小規模的危害,臺灣扁蚜(A. formosana)、高山竹斑蚜(Cranaphis formosana)、桂竹綠斑蚜(T. taiwana)和玉山矢竹斑蚜(T. takahashii)並不造成危害。


Bamboos (Bambusoideae) are good natural resources for use as timbers, foods, crafts, industrial and landscaping materials. As such, surveying insect pests and their control on bamboos is an important research task. In this study, we monthly surveyed aphid faunas and their population dynamics in the bamboo arboretum of Xitou Nature Education Area (Xitou Bamboo Arboretum) from February 2014 to January 2015. A total of 14 aphid species belonged to 9 genera and 3 subfamilies ( i.e., Aphidinae, Calaphidinae and Hormaphidinae), were found in the Xitou Bamboo Arboretum. Based on the analysis results, we revealed that monthly air temperature, monthly accumulated rainfall, and monthly amount of rainy days were important climatic factors determining the population dynamics of different aphid species. Research analysis also found that most aphid species demonstrated specific host preferences. Based on the occurrences and host preferences of the 14 aphid species in the Xitou Bamboo Arboretum, Chaitoregma tattakana, Astegopteryx bambucifoliae and Pseudoregma alexanderi were the major pests; Melanaphis bambusae, P. bambucicola , and P. koshunensis were the species that caused seasonal damages to bamboos; Cerataphis bambusifoliae, Chucallis latusigladius, Phyllaphoides bambusicola and Takecallis arundinariae were those that caused damages on their preferred hosts; and A. formosana, Cranaphis formosana, T. taiwana and T. takahashii caused no damages to bamboos.
