  • 期刊


Study on the Interval of Groundsill Works (I)




Groundsill is a structure which is laid across the stream and is inserted into the streambed to prevent .the scouring. Besides, it also protects the stream banks to avoid scouring. Designing the interval of groundsills usually uses the empirical method. But in this study, we use a theory of stable equilibrium with data from field investigation to find an appropriate way in determining the interval of groundsills. The results indicate that, most of 20 torrents investigated are in the state of stable equilibrium, except 3 torrents in scouring. Among these stable torrents, there are 4 torrents which are well covered with vegetation. In general, all the groundsills are still standing firm to protect the upstream structures and stream banks. For stability analysis, the Froude number of sand particle has a positive relation to the slopeness in the stable torrents. Meanwhile, these stable torrents are with armour coat, and vegetation cover on the streambed. Using the theory of stable equilibrium, d_(50) is a suitable parameter for calculating the interval of groundsills. The calculated values agree well with the field measurements.

