  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Pollution Reduction of Wet Detention Pond


集水區暴雨管理與非點源污染控制之中,濕式滯留池爲廣泛應用之結構性BMP(best management practice)措施。本研究針對兩處不同類型的非點源污染來源,分別爲瓷土礦場與茶園農地,設計以溼式滯留池爲主的複合型BMP 設施。礦場場址共有三個單元,爲溼式滯留池、石籠過濾池與人工濕地;農地場址除配置滯留池外,另增加密植式與開放式的。人工濕地,以及植栽浸潤床。礦場BMP處理設施之平均除污效率爲懸浮固體爲75.9%、溶解。性鐵爲71.5%,而農地場址的總磷去除效率爲55.6%、總氮爲34.3%。出流機率法(effluent probability method)不僅能計算污染去除率,更進一步由排序後的機率圖顯示溼式滯留池對。不同污染物不同濃度的去除效果。結果顯示懸浮固體物與氨氮在高濃度的入流狀況下,有較佳。的去除率,但總磷的入流濃度大小並不影響其去除效果。


Wet detention ponds are widely as structural BMPs (Best Management Practices) in nonpoint sources control and stormwater management. To estimate the effectiveness of wet detention ponds, two case studies are designed for controlling the nonpoint source pollution from mine drainage and agricultural land. In the two cases, the compound BMPs with different treatment units are set for specific functions. For the clay mine site, a wet detention pond, a basin with gabions of small rocks and a constructed wetland are placed to remove the high suspended solids and acidity in mine drainage. As well as a wet detention pond, two constructed wetlands and a planted infiltrative bed are utilized in the agriculture case study for nutriment removal. Eventually, the Effluent Probability Method (EPM) which reveals more information than classic evaluation methods is applied to evaluate the performance of the wet detention ponds. The total treatment system of the mine case facilitating the mean pollution removal rate for suspended solid (SS) is 75.9% and 71.5% for dissolved iron. The mean removal rate of 55.6% for total phosphorus (TP) and 34.3% for total nitrogen (TN) are contributed from BMPs in the agriculture case study. Besides the removal rates of different pollutants, EPM displayed higher treatment efficiency in higher inflow concentration of SS and TN, but there is no such relationship in TP removal.


