  • 期刊


The Influence of Hydrological Events and Check Dams upon the Geomorphic Changes of the Meng-Gu Waterfall


瀑布與遷急點的研究,多聚焦在侵蝕作用與後退速率方面,較少提及土砂堆積作用對瀑布形貌的影響。本文探究南山溪夢谷雙層瀑布的河床地形演變,利用歷史相片比對與UAV 地形測量,分析夢谷瀑布的地貌變遷與歷年來的河床高程變化。研究結果顯示,河床面於研究期間 (2004-2016) 經歷了兩次大幅度的淤積與下刷,其中2004 年的敏督利颱風以及2008 年的辛樂克颱風,均造成河床高達13 m 的堆積,下層瀑布遭巨量土砂掩埋。2009 年於下游處興建了防砂壩,土砂淤滿後抬高了侵蝕基準,使得上游河段下切能力減緩,下層瀑布恐無機會再現。


The studies of waterfalls and knickpoints have mostly focused on the erosion processes and recession rate but have seldom discussed the influences of sediment deposition upon the morphology of waterfalls. This study investigated the geomorphic changes and channel bed variation of the Meng-Gu Waterfall, Nanshan Stream, by comparing historical photographs and terrain surveying by UAV. The channel bed has experienced two cycles of deposition and erosion since 2004. Typhoon Mindulle in 2004 and Sinlaku in 2008 both caused large channel bed rises of 13 m. The lower step of the Meng-Gu Waterfall had been buried by thick sediment deposition and will not appear again because the rise of the base level of erosion after the check dam construction downstream in 2009.
