  • 期刊


Effects of Landslide Geomorphological Evolution on Subwatersheds: A Case Study in the Ailiao River Watershed


本研究以隘寮溪子集水區分析群聚崩塌對地貌演化的影響。本研究根據歷年崩塌演化數據挑出13個位於上游的子集水區,這些子集水區都出現崩塌難以復育且河川型態明顯改變的情況,以四個關鍵子集水區而言,在2010年至2015年間崩塌率都超過10.0%,新崩塌率、舊崩塌率及已復育崩塌率出現震盪情形,大量小面積崩塌造成歷年河岸崩塌率上升且未小於3%,河川最大擺盪河段可將近350 m,蜿蜒度則接近1.5倍。


This study focused on the geomorphological evolution of a dense landslide in the Ailiao River watershed. The landslide formed during Typhoon Morakot in 2009 and demonstrated slow recovery. An analysis of the data tracking the evolution of this landslide identified 13 subwatersheds within the landslide area; further analyses of these 13 subwatersheds revealed that the landslide had substantially changed the morphology of the Ailiao River. Four subwatersheds within the Ailiao River upstream watershed had landslide ratios of >10.0%, and the new, old, and recovered landslide ratios of the four subwatersheds had oscillated in the years since 2009. The landslide ratio in the neighborhood of the river was >3.0% and was characterized by numerous small bank-erosion landslides. The maximum sinuous width of the river was approximately 350 m, and the sinuosity index was 1.5 times larger than it had been prior to Typhoon Morakot in 2009.


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