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超甜玉米品種「Honey 236」上螟蟲防制基準之訂定

Determination of Economic Injury Level for the Asian Corn Borer on Supersweet Corn Honey 236


本試驗旨在探討超甜玉米品種Honey 236在不同期作及生育期之玉米螟經濟危害水平,藉供農友防治之參考。自1987至1989二年期間每年二期作(春作及秋作),在Honey 236第6、第8、第10及第12葉齡,每株平均各接種0.0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8及1.6個玉米螟卵塊,進行田間測試,結果顯示在第6、第8、第10及第12葉齡生育期間,春作接種0.1卵塊,秋作0.2卵塊。造成之公頃經濟損失,約等於每公頃防治玉米螟一次所需費用。因此,玉米在第6至第12葉齡生育期間螟蟲卵塊數,春作每株平均發生0.1卵塊,秋作0.2卵塊,即為超甜玉米品種Honey 236上螟蟲之防治基準。在第6至12葉齡期間接種卵塊數與果穗被害率、蟲孔數/株、合格穗率及鮮穗產量(kg/ha)之相關值分別在:0.77~0.84、0.80~0.84、-0.78~-0.85及-0.79~-0.84之間,顯示其彼此之相關性顯著,因此,玉米螟卵塊發生數可做為預測其田間經濟危害Honey 236之指標。


超甜玉米 Honey 236 玉米螟 防治基準 葉齡


The objective of this study is to determine the economic injury level for the Asian corn borer on supersweet corn Honey 236 in order to apply control at proper growth stage. The field results from 1987 to 1989 revealed that the artificial infestation was 0.1 egg mass per plant in spring crop and 0.2 in fall crop at the 6, 8, 10 and 12 leaf stages of corn plant development, the economic losses to Honey 236 was equal to the cost to control corn borer per hectare. Therefore, the economic injury level for the Asian corn borer on Honey 236 is 0.1 egg masses per plant in spring crop and 0.2 in fall crop as plant developed from the 6 to 12 leaf stages. The correlation coefficients between the number of egg masses per plant at the 6, 8, 10, 12 leaf stages and damaged ear (%), number of cavities per plant, marketable ear (%) as well as ear yield (kg/ha) were ranged from: 0.77~0.84, 0.80~0.84, -0.78~-0.85 and -0.79~-0.84 respectively. The correlations were highly significant to imply that the number of corn borer egg masses deposited on corn plants from the 6 to 12 leaf stages in both crop seasons could be used as an index to correlate it with the economic losses on supersweet corn Honey 236.


