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Design and Application of an Easy-Make and Adjustable Type of Green/Net House with Wind Resistance


為改善一般簡易型溫室不具抗強風之缺點,本研究根據本省颱風風力特性,設計一套屋頂可昇降式及側壁可伸縮之簡易型耐風模型溫室(長6 m×寬4 m),可以降低溫室迎風面之面積,減少風之壓力對溫室造成的過份應力致溫室結構損壞,確保溫室架構安全,避免栽培作物受損。設計建造完成之溫室其屋頂及側壁可用手操作上、下自由定點控制位置或藉風速感測器(可在10至30公尺/每秒,自由設定)及溫度恆溫控制器(可在18℃至35℃,自由設定)測知颱風時風速或颱風過後溫室內溫度等的變化,而自動操控溫室之屋頂及側壁之下降或上昇,其溫室高度之下降或上昇之範圍為2.2~4.2公尺,全程下降所需時間約為4分鐘,而上昇所需時間則為4.5分鐘。當溫室高度降低後可使溫室結構體之受風面積減少56%,可減少構造體所承受風壓力,確保颱風時整體結構之安全及栽培作物順利生長。本模型溫室於1989年建造完成後,已歷經多次颱風侵襲,並未對溫室造成任何損壞,根據長期試驗結果,本模型溫室規模可適用作為家庭式小面積園藝栽培者使用,唯對其大型化利用應再研究評估。目前本型溫室之結構設計,已經經濟部中央標準局核准新型專利10年,專利權號數為新型第68553號。


昇降屋頂式 耐風 溫網室


An easy make type of green/net house (6× 4 m, L× W) with automatically adjustable roof and walls was first designed to improve the resistance of green/net house to strong wind. Illustration of the structural design and the testing results were presented in the text. The house consisted of adjustble/movable roof frame, flitch beam, fixed stand, temperature and wind velocity sensors, was able to control the height of the house automatically at any setting points of the temperatures between 18 and 35°C and the wind velocity between 10 and 30 m/sec. Theheight of the house could be lowered down from 4.2 to 2.2m in 4~5 min. and vise versa. After that, 56% of the surface faced to the wind were reduced which greatly prevented the house and the plants inside from the demage by strong wind. Contruction was completed in 1989. Results of the resting in the last 2 years indicated that the design is very useful, in a small scale, during the monsoon/typhoon season for the production of vegetables in the summer. The design has been awarded apatent number 68533 for 10 years in Taiwan.


