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Development of a New Japonica Rice Variety "Taikeng 17"


台稉17號原品系名稱為台稉育18030號,係農業試驗所嘉義分所於民國78年第二期作,以台農70號/Milyang 79//台農70號之抗稻熱病第二世代單株為母本,台農70號為父本進行雜交,於民國81年第二期作第5世代移交台南區農業改良場進行後半段育種工作。經觀察試驗、初、高級產量比較試驗,及區域試驗與各項特性、病蟲害檢定結果顯示,本品種為一中晚熟品種;株高中等;株型優良;外觀米質及食味皆優良;稻熱病中抗至抗、脫粒性適中及具相當產量等優良特性。經稻作育種小組推荐申請登記命名,而於民國87年11月經農林廳召集之作物新品種登記命名審查小組通過,命名為台稉17號繁殖推廣。由於本品種具有上述之優良特性,預期本品種將可為農民接受,並滿足國人對高品質稻米之需求,進而緩和我國加入世貿組織後進口米之衝擊及增加農民收益。


水稻 台稉17號


A newly bred japonica rice variety ”Taikeng 17” was released by Chiayi Branch Station of the Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station in Nov. 1998. Its female parent is the F2 plant (the second generation) of ”Tainung 70/Milyang 79//Tainung 70”, the male parent is Tainung 70, and the cross was made in 1989 by Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station. The breeding line was originally named ”Taikeng yuh 18030” in 1991 when it was firstly selected out from the F4, and therfore was sent to Chiayi Branch Station Tainan DAIS for further experiment in 1992. The observational, preliminary” advanced and the regional yield trials, as well as other screen testing of this line were conducted from 1992 to 1997. After evaluation by the Committee of Registration for New Rice Varieties of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry, ”Taikeng Yuh 18030” was finally named ”Taikeng 17”, This medium to late maturing variety is characterized with the merits of excellent grains qualities both in its appearance and eating, resistant to rice blast, well response to nitrogen, suitable shattering rate, and being able to product a high yield.


Japonica rice Taikeng 17


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