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Breeding of New Summer Squash Varieties ‘Tainan No.1’, ‘Tainan No.2’, ‘Tainan No.3’ and ‘Tainan No.4’


夏南瓜臺南1~4號係本場於103年3月所育成,4品種皆為雜交一代品種。其親本為自民國90年所引入之種原,經過8年之評估與純化,於97年固定之優良自交系。選定優良自交系15個,於98年完成208個雜交組合,於99~102年間進行品系觀察試驗、播種適期評估、白粉病罹病度調查、貯藏力調查、地方試作等育種流程,103年3月選出較具特色之4個雜交一代品系,命名為夏南瓜臺南1~4號。4個夏南瓜新品種以其不同果皮顏色為特色,對白粉病皆有程度不一的抗病力,為臺灣首次在地育成之新品種。臺南1 號─嫩瓜果皮綠色,高抗白粉病,涼溫期栽培具優勢。臺南2 號─嫩瓜果皮綠色,中抗白粉病,相對耐熱性較佳,暖季栽培具競爭力。臺南3 號─嫩瓜果皮白綠色,中抗白粉病,相對耐熱性較佳,產量極高,適於暖季栽培。臺南4號─嫩瓜果皮黃色,高抗白粉病,涼溫期栽培效益良好,耐熱性差,高溫易使黃色果皮產生綠斑以及產量銳減。品種育成後,提送103年4月16日第104次農業委員會「農業智慧財產權審議委員會」審議通過,決議以非專屬授權方式辦理新品種之授權。品種育成1年內,完成授權予4家種苗業者,分別為:欣樺種苗貿易有限公司、稼穡種子有限公司、農友種苗股份有限公司與生生種子公司。新品種之育成可提供設施栽培多樣化之選擇,促進在地生產,取代進口,具有減少食物里程(碳排放)的意義。


夏南瓜 白粉病 耐熱 育種


Four new F_1 hybrid summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) varieties 'Tainan No.1', 'Tainan No.2', 'Tainan No.3' and 'Tainan No.4' were developed by Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station in 2014. Fifteen parental inbred lines were selected from the progenies of 20 commercial F1 varieties by applying the pedigree breeding method in 2009. There were 208 hybrids obtained by artificial pollination in the fall of 2009 and then went through a series of field evaluations according to the breeding protocols. After the evaluations of yield observation trial, line comparison trial, local trials, resistance test for powdery mildew and storage life test were completed in 2013, the four hybrid lines TNF98009, TNF98018, TNF98019 and TNF98055 were selected and named 'Tainan No.1', 'Tainan No.2', 'Tainan No.3' and 'Tainan No.4' respectively. All four hybrid varieties are susceptible to viruses, suitable for production under protected cultivation or in net houses. Tainan No.1 is a F_1 hybrid with green peel and high resistance to powdery mildew, excellent storage life, especially suitable for the cultivation in cool weather. Tainan No.2 is a F_1 hybrid with green peel, medium resistance to powdery, excellent storage life and heat-tolerance, especially suitable for the cultivation in warm and mild weather. Tainan No.3 is a F_1 hybrid with green-white peel, medium resistance to powdery, medium storage life and heattolerance, especially suitable for the cultivation in warm and mild weather. Tainan No.4 is a F_1 hybrid with yellow peel and high resistance to powdery mildew, medium storage life, especially suitable for the cultivation in cool weather. In the first year after naming, these F_1 hybrid varieties had successfully transferred to "Sing Flow Seed Trading Co., Ltd.", " SunTech Seed Co., Ltd.", "Known-You Seed Co., Ltd." and " EverGrow Seed Co., Ltd." based on the resolutions of the 104 Meeting conducted by the "Intellectual Property Rights Committee, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan" held on April 16, 2014.


Summer squash Powdery mildew Heat-tolerance Breeding
