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Breeding of a heat-tolerant new muskmelon variety 'Tainan No.13'


近期之極端氣候,高溫期增長,對耐熱品種之需求更顯殷切。本場繼民國98 年育成耐熱、網紋紅肉之洋香瓜「臺南11 號」,於103 年底再育成耐熱、網紋綠肉之洋香瓜「臺南13 號」,以因應市場之需求。洋香瓜「臺南13 號」為雜交一代品種,其親本為民國87 年以雜交方式,導入野生甜瓜優良生長勢之因子至栽培品系中,進行自交純化與選拔所獲得之優良自交系;以及由開放授粉之栽培品種分離後裔中,選拔並純化之優良自交系。將選育出之優良自交系於民國 98 年進行人工雜交,共獲得416 個雜交組合。各雜交組合經過近5 年之栽培試驗,於103 年底選出耐熱性突出、品質優良之雜交一代品系TNF98132,命名為「臺南13 號」。「臺南13 號」適於臺灣南部2 月中旬~ 9 月中旬播種栽培,全生育期為78 ~89 日。植株生長勢佳,產量高,品質優良。單果重受栽培期溫度之影響變化大,為1.6 ~ 3.0公斤,產量3,000 ~ 4,000 公斤/0.1 公頃。成熟果之糖度最高值可達19 ºBrix。「臺南13 號」命名後經提行政院農業委員會農業智慧財產審議委員會審議通過,並以非專屬授權技轉「宇辰農業生技有限公司」。新品種之育成可提供高溫期設施栽培作物多元之選擇,增加農民之收益。現有技術: 洋香瓜品種推陳出新,多數適於秋作、春作栽培,若於高溫期栽培,果實碩大而不甜、品質差;本場98 年推出「臺南11 號」,屬於網紋紅肉類型,具耐熱、生長勢佳,適於高溫期栽培且食味良好等優點,尤其適於有機栽培。創新內容: 本品種與現有品種「臺南11 號」都具有極高之耐熱性,且「臺南13 號」為綠肉類型,網紋形成更安定,果實外觀與食味品質皆優,可提供高溫期設施栽培品種多樣化之選擇。對產業影響: 設施洋香瓜經濟價值高,惟設施易形成高溫逆境,使多數品種無法表現其品質。新品種耐高溫逆境,糖度累積良好,生長勢優,採收率高,可提供設施栽培於高溫期輪作之選擇,增進設施栽培者之經濟效益,得以快速彌平搭建設施之成本。


洋香瓜 耐熱 育種


A heat-tolerant F1 hybrid muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) 'Tainan No.13' was released by Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station in November, 2014. The paternal inbred line was obtained from the progenies of a hybrid made in 1998 between PI 124111 and アールス (summer type). The maternal line was obtained from the progenies of the commercial variety 'bluejade' in 2009. An outstanding hybrid TNF98132, that is the code number of 'Tainan No. 13' in the breeding process before naming, was selected out from 416 hybrids in the combining ability test, yield trials and local trials. The characteristics of 'Tainan No. 13' include early maturation, heat-tolerance, higher soluble solids content, medium fruit size, gray-green skin with light-green pulp, oval-round fruit shape with fine and dense nets on the surface. It can be grown under warm or hot seasons in low tunnel and greenhouse. Its suitable sowing dates are from mid-February to mid- September in Tainan district. The average weight per fruit is 1.6 ~ 2.1 kg, and may up to 3.0 kg in high-temperature growing seasons. The average soluble solids content is usually 15-16 ^OBrix, and may up to 19.0 ^OBrix. The yield of 'Tainan No. 13' is 3,000 ~ 3,400 kg 0.1 ha. Based on the resolutions of the 110 meeting conducted by the "Intellectual Property Rights Committee, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan", 'Tainan No. 13' had successfully delegated to "You-Chain Agro- Biotech Co., Ltd" on October 29, 2014 for commercial production. What is already known on this subject? Most commercial varieties were not suitable for high-temperature crop seasons due to low soluble solids content. There was a heat-tolerant variety 'Tainan No. 11' released by Tainan DARES in 2009. 'Tainan No. 11' is a netted muskmelon with red pulp, good vigor, resistant to powdery mildew and suitable for organic production in greenhouse. What are the new findings? New variety 'Tainan No. 13' is a netted muskmelon with light-green pulp, heat-tolerance and good vigor. The soluble solids content is high even grown in high-temperature seasons. What is the expected impact on this field? The new muskmelon variety 'Tainan No. 13', being tolerant to high temperature, is suitable for greenhouse production in summer time, therefore, grower have another choice of high quality muskmelon in summer.


Muskmelon Heat-tolerant Breeding


Chen, J. M. C. (2007). 旅波式介電幫浦之實驗研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.02127
