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Evaluation of agricultural long term ecosystem with different cropping system on the productivity of crops


為瞭解臺灣幾種不同耕作制度對農業生態系生產力維持之機制,本研究於臺南區農改場雲林分場試驗田探討不同期作、不同耕作制度下的作物品質與產量的變化,並將數據用以維護試驗平臺提供各計畫研究參考。經過13年試驗調查結果顯示,高投入之慣行農耕(Conventional Agroecosystem, CA)與低投入之永續農耕(Sustainable driven Agroecosystem, SA)處理間產量除了2015年一期作水稻產量有顯著差異外,其餘產量差異不明顯。田間產量變異性經水旱輪作及水田連作後逐步趨於穩定。因此,無論雙期作水田或水旱輪作田,永續農耕合理減少肥料投入,亦可維持相當於慣行農耕的產量。現有技術:建立農業長期生態系不同耕作處理試驗田,累積13年生態作物產量調查資料。創新內容:了解臺灣幾種不同耕作制度對農業生態系生產力維持之機制,探求最低投入之最佳農耕管理模式。對產業影響:提供農業最低投入生產效益,恢復農業生態,以生產安全農產品。


In order to understand the effect of different cropping systems in Taiwan on the agro-ecosystem, and the mechanism of productivity maintenance, An experiment field was setup at the Yin-Lin Branch Station of Tainan DARES to explore the effect of different cropping season and different cropping system on the yield and quality of crops as well as the change of soil properties. The data collected from the test field was also builded up as a platform for scholars in different styles of study. Results from 13-years study indicated that no yield difference was observed between conventional agro-ecosystem (CA) and Sustainable driven Agroecosystem (SA) cropping systems, except the difference in the rice yield of frist cropping season in 2015. It also showed that all the crops yield were sustainably and gradually stable year after year, no matter what cropping system, even under the continuous cropping system or the rotation of dryland and wetland. It indicated that low-input treatment in fertilizer under rice peanut rotation system is able to benefit both the rices yield and the environment. What is already known on this subject? Establish a data platform for different farming systems in agricultural long-term ecosystems, which was a survey of ecological crop yields in 13 years of experimental land. What are the new findings? We understood how the mechanism of ecosystem can maintain the productivity by several different farming systems, all the data we got can be used to explore the best agricultural management model with minimum input in Taiwan. What is the expected impact on this field? It provided the method to agriculture performance that has the highest production efficiency by the lowest input, to restore the agricultural ecology and biodiversity, and to produce safe agricultural products.
