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Study on the population dynamics and control timing of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood on lotus


小黃薊馬(Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)為蓮花產業上危害嚴重之害蟲,為提供防治時機之建議,本研究自2020年3~10月,於臺南市白河區兩處蓮花田進行小黃薊馬發生時機、族群消長、危害情形與發生之生態環境等相關資料之調查,以探討蓮花小黃薊馬防治之關鍵時間點,提供農民防治上之參考。結果顯示小黃薊馬約在蓮花立葉期後1個月,族群數量會有明顯上升趨勢。以小黃薊馬族群數量變化數據,與溫度、相對濕度及累積降雨量等氣象資料進行皮爾森積差相關係數(Pearson product-moment correlation)分析,結果顯示試驗田A及B,蓮葉與黏紙上小黃薊馬數量均與平均溫度呈高度正相關性;與相對濕度分別為低度正相關性及中度正相關性。試驗田A及B之蓮葉上小黃薊馬數量與累積降雨量為低度正相關性。試驗田B黏紙小黃薊馬數量與累積降雨量為低度正相關性,而試驗田A黏紙與累積降雨量並不具相關性。透過調查及試驗所得之數據推估蓮花小黃薊馬之經濟危害水平(Economic injury level, EIL),估算EIL為35.23隻小黃薊馬/蓮葉。相關研究結果配合氣象資料,可應用於預測蓮田可能遭受小黃薊馬危害之風險及提供農民施藥時機點之參考。現有技術:國內蓮花小黃薊馬相關防治試驗研究相當少。創新內容:應用蓮花小黃薊馬族群變動趨勢、環境因子及防治成本估算出蓮花小黃薊馬之經濟危害水平(Economic injury level, EIL)。對產業影響:提供蓮農防治小黃薊馬時機點,可降低用藥次數,達到精準用藥之目的。


The chilli thrip (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) is one of the serious pests on lotus in recent years. In order to provide proper timing for the control of chilli thrips, a field survey at two lotus plots in Baihe Dist., Tainan City from March to October, 2020 to collect the information of chilli thrips occurrence timing, population dynamics, damage situation, and meteorological parameters. The results showed that the population of the chilli thrips increased significantly about one month after the erection of lotus leaf. Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the correlation between climate parameters and population dynamics of the chilli thrips on lotus. Results of plot A and plot B revealed that mean temperature was high-significantly positively correlated with the number of chilli thrips on lotus leaves and yellow stick papers. The relative humidity on plot A was slightly positively correlated with the number of chilli thrips on lotus leaves and yellow stick papers. But the relative humidity on plot A was moderately positively correlated with the number of chilli thrips on lotus leaves and yellow stick papers. The accumulated precipitation on plot A and plot B was found to be slightly positively correlated with the number of chilli thrips on lotus leaves, and no correlation on yellow stick papers was observed in plot A. All data collected were used to estimate the economic injury level of the EIL model, EIL = C/VID, and the EIL was estimated at 35.23 thrips/leaf. These studies provided information of meteorological parameters to predict the risk of damage and the timing of spraying pesticides for the control of chilli thrips in lotus plantations. What is already known on this subject? Studies on the control of the chilli thrips is limited in Taiwan. What are the new findings? Estimating the economic injury level (EIL) of chilli thrips population on lotus based on the population dynamics of the chilli thrips, climate parameters and control cost. What is the expected impact on this field? Provide lotus farmers the timing of spraying pesticides to control the chilli thrips, which can reduce the frequency of pesticide application and achieve the precise use of pesticide.
