  • 期刊


The Influences of Self-Construals and Self-Complexity on the Co-Brand Evaluation


過去文獻中顯示,「契合度」是影響共品牌評價最主要的因素之一,本研究將契合度細分為「品牌性格」、「領導品牌對共品牌產品」、「夥伴品牌對共品牌」等三種個別的契合度以及「總體契合度」,並探討前三種契合度與「總體契合度」的相關性為何?以及「總體契合度」與品牌評價的相關性為何?另外,本研究參照Mongo and Lau-Gesk(2007)的研究方法,分別以「自我建構」及「自我複雜度」兩個心裡變數搭配共品牌組合變數,以two-way ANCOVA來探討共品牌評價的影響。本研究共分六項前側以及兩個正式試驗,並選擇240位大學生為受測者。實驗一為2(自我建構:獨立我、相依我)×2(共品牌性格組合:單一性格、雙重性格)的實驗設計。2(自我參照:有、無)×2(共品牌性格組合:單一性格、雙重性格)的實驗設計,各自分別探討對共品牌評價的影響。實驗結果如下:1「品牌性格」、「領導品牌對共品牌產品」、「夥伴品牌對共品」等三種契合度與整體契合度呈現顯著正相關,2整體契合度與共品牌評價呈現顯著正相關。3自我複雜度的不同,對整體契合度並不具有顯著影響,4當獨立自我因素促發是,受刺激者單一性格共品牌的評價顯著高於雙重性格者。5最後,在自我複雜度情境下,受測者對單一或雙重性格共品牌的評價並沒有顯著差異;但在低自我難度情境下,相對於雙重性格共品牌,受測者對單一性格之共品牌會有顯著較高的評價。


Existing co-branding research indicates that ”fitness” is one of the major factors to influence co-brand evaluation. We divided ”fitness” info four variables, including ”brand personality fitness”, the fitness of leading brand to co-branding production ”the fitness of partner brand to co-branding production” and ”total fitness”, then we examined the relationship between the first three fitness and total fitness, and the relationship between total fitness and co-brand evaluation. Especially we followed Mango and Lau-Desk's footsteps, exploring the influences of ”self-construal” and ”se/f-complexity” on co-branding evolution with co-branding personality combination as a moderator.This study included six pre-tests and two experiments, and we chose 240 university students as our subjects. Experiments 1 investigated 2(self-construals: independent, dependent) ×2(co-brand personality: single, double) experimental design. Experiment 2 conducts 2self-refrrencing: 1os high) ×2(co-brand personality: single, double) experimental design. Our research sifted Moto brand as a leading brand, and Nike brand as a partner brand from three pre-tests. Then we exposed the simulating co-brand ”Moto-Nike” cell phone to 240 university students by plane advertisement. We can conclude five results from these two experiments. 1. The positive relationship between the first three fitness and total fitness is significant. 2. The positive relationship between total fitness and co-brand evaluation is significant. 3. Different se/f-complexities do not s significant affect total fitness. 4. When the independent self is primed, subjects evaluate the double personality more favorable than double: when dependent self is primed, subjects evaluate the single personality more favorable than double. 5. On the situation of high self-complexity, theme are not significant differences between single and double personality co-brand evaluation. Nevertheless, on the situation of low self-complex facing single personality co-brand subjects have higher co-brand evaluation compared with double personality co-brand.


高登第譯、Aaker, David A.、Joachimsthaler, E.(2002)。品牌領導。台北:天下遠見出版股份有限公司。


