  • 期刊


Inquiring the Way Students Learn in Practice-Based Entrepreneurship Education-The Enactive Research Approach


本研究以創制研究法 (enactive research) 做為起點,從北歐開創觀點討論創業學習者如何在一個創業實作課程中學習?我們認為創業教育的目的應從實作中經驗到創造的歷程,進而帶來持續的流變與學習。我們發現,學習者之所以願意改變與開創,來自實作會將課程參與者凝聚成實踐共同體,成為實作開創中浮現的織組中脈絡。於織組中脈絡裡,學習者從開創學習裡產生認同,因為在實作連結而成的對話空間中持續經驗對問題即時改善,而讓學習者感受到實踐的力量與功能,而更願意改變。因為實作情境的召喚,驅動學習者立即的類比與拼創行動,並在行動結果的自我反思與觀察中,又產生新的即時回應。這樣的循環,讓學習者經歷獨特的實作開創經驗與轉變,而流變為新知識、新能力的使用者與學習者。


The purpose of this paper is to explore the practice-based approach to the entrepreneurship education by discussing a different learning perspective, learning as an entrepreneurial process, which aimed at infusing the entrepreneuring mindset and actions among students in the university setting. By experimenting the practice-based approach in the institute-level teaching into the curriculum, we applied the entrepreneuring perspective and the enactive research method to inquire how the students learn in practice. The analysis of data includes teachers' observations, written materials, such as students' learning journals and group discussion records. This study offers two levels of findings about how the students learned and changed in practice. At the collective level, students' learning roots in the "organizing context (OC)." At the individual level, the students in the OC create a dialogic space to change their self-identity in practice. In addition, the situations drive the students' call for analogy and bricolage to organize and re-organize their experiences to deal with problems. Finally, this cycling process allows a student to be in the becoming process from a learner to a user of new concepts and new skills.


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