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The Butterfly Fauna, Larval Hostplants and Nectar Plants at the Ping-Lin Area, in Tai-Ping City of Taichung Country


本研究調查臺中縣太平市坪林地區之蝶相、蝴蝶與寄主、蜜源植物間的關係,提供日後蝶類研究、經營管理及賞蝶活動參考。自2007年1月至2008年7月止,每月1次,沿著中山路、勤益科大、中華國小、廍仔溪河床等四小段路線,繞行一圈,以穿越線及定點調查法兩種方式進行蝴蝶調查,紀錄各區段蝴蝶分布種類、數量與寄主、蜜源植物之關係。調查結果共紀錄5科、30種,1,242隻次蝴蝶;蝴蝶種類以蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae) 11種最多, 數量以粉蝶科(Pieridae )569隻最多。數量最多前五名之優勢種為沖繩小灰蝶Zizee ria maha okinawana (Matsumura) 、紋白蝶Pieris rapae crucivora BoisduvaI 、臺灣紋白蝶Pieris canidia(Sparrman) 、樺斑蝶Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus)及淡黃蝶Catopsilia pomana (Fabricius) 。曾記錄有訪花行為之蝴蝶有5科14種, 而蝴蝶所利用的蜜源植物共有9科16種,以菊科(Asteraceae)有4種最多。蜜源植物所能誘引的蝴蝶種類數最多為菊科,共9種蝴蝶;而誘引蝴蝶種類數最多的蜜源植物為大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Sch.) 。紀錄到蝴蝶曾產卵或已有幼蟲之寄主植物, 共有9科13種, 其中以豆科(Fabaceae)有4種最多,其次是棕櫚科(Arecaceae)有2種。研究結果發現勤益科技大學雖離山區較近,但蝴蝶種類及隻次並未比中華國小多,原因在於中華國小擁有較多的蜜源及寄主植物, 可誘引鄰近蝴蝶前往吸蜜, 可見開發的都會地區仍具營造蝴蝶棲地的潛力,本文針對研究結果提出校園棲地管理及植栽應用之建議。


蝶相 寄主植物 蜜源植物 太平市 坪林 棲地


The butterflies, larval hostplants and nectar plants were investigated at the Ping-Lin area, in Tai-Ping City of Taichung Country. During the study period from January 2007 to July 2008, we made 19 transect counts and spot investigation, and observed 5 families, 30 species, and 1,242 individuals of butterflies. In terms of species diversity, Nymphalidae was the most dominant family with nine species collected, whereas in the terms of abundance, Pieridae was the most dominant family with 569 individuals observed. There were five dominant species with highest of abundance: Zizeeria maha okinawana (Matsumura), Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval, Pieris canidia (Sparrman), Danaus Chlysippus (Linnaeus) and Catopsilia pomana (Fabricius). The flower visiting behaviors of the butterflies were observed for the 5 families and 14 species. Moreover, 9 families and 16 species of nectar plants were observed at the Ping-Lin area, for which Asteraceae was most dominant family comprising 9 species. Flowers of the family Asteraceae attracted most of the families of butterflies while Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Sch. attracted most of the species. The results of this study showed that the butterfly fauna at the Nation Chin- Yi University of Technology was not as rich as those in the neighboring, less urbanized areas. However, there was a strong potential for a park like this to develop a butterfly habitat in a highly developed city. Some management strategy and tactics of butterfly habitat and nectar plants are proposed herein for the Ping-Lin area.




Yu, S. H. (2016). 暖化操控對不同海拔的本土種紋白蝶、外來種紋白蝶及其蜜源植物的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600186
