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Passiflora biflora Lam. (Passifloraceae): a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan



The species Passiflora biflora Lam. (Passifloraceae), native to Central and South America, has naturalized at low altitudes in northern Taiwan. It can be distinguished from the other congeners found in Taiwan based on its broad obreniform leaves with ocelli on both surfaces, yellow coronal filaments, and seed surface with transverse ribs. Morphology and photographs of P. bi-flora, as well as a key to Passiflora species in Taiwan have been provided to facilitate for identification.


本文報導在臺灣北部低海拔發現一種原產於中南美洲的新歸化植物:雙花西番蓮(Passiflora biflora Lam.)(西番蓮科)。雙花西番蓮的葉寬倒腎形且具有眼狀突起、黃色副花冠和具橫紋狀的種子表面,可與台灣其他種西番蓮屬植物區分。本文提供雙花西番蓮特徵描述與彩色照片供鑑定之用。


副花冠 歸化植物 西番蓮屬 臺灣


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YANG, C. H. C., SU, M. H., CHIANG, P. H., & HSIEH, C. F. (2022). Updating the Checklist of the Naturalized Flora in Taiwan. TAIWANIA, 67(1), 1-8+s1-22. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2022.67.1
