  • 期刊

Studies on Sclerotial Diseases of Rice Plant in Taiwan I. Several Sclerotial Fungi Isolated from Sheath Blight Like and Pseudo Sheath Blight Lesions of Rice Plants.



在一般田間所採集之紋枯病樣病斑上,除了可以分離到紋枯病菌外,常可分離到其他幾種菌核病菌,即褐色紋枯病菌(Rhizoctonia solani-cultural type III B),赤色菌核病菌(Rhizoctonia oryzae)褐色菌核病菌(Sclerotium oryzae-sativae)和球狀菌核病菌(Sclerotium hydrophilum)。在368個紋枯病樣之樣本中,有274個樣本可分離到紋枯病菌,約佔74.2%。而在134個疑似紋枯病之樣本中,只有13個樣本可分離到紋枯病菌,約佔9.7%,而其餘主要分離到的是赤色菌核病菌,褐色紋枯病菌和褐色菌核病菌。從同一塊田所取得之樣本,常可分離到二種以上之菌核病菌,而從同一稻株上所取得之樣本,亦常可分離到二種或二種以上之菌核病菌。偶而亦可發現紋枯病菌、褐色紋枯病菌和赤色菌核病菌三者可在同一稻株上分離到,因此在田間病徵之判別上亦較困難。本試驗發現赤色菌核病菌,褐色菌核病菌及褐色紋枯病菌三者均可在病斑之組織內形成短桿狀之菌核,前者之菌核為肉鮭色,而後二者之菌核均為褐色至深褐色。


Several sclerotial fungi other than sheath blight fungus were frequentely isolated from sheath blight like lesions of leaf sheaths that collected from various localities in Taiwan. These sclerotial fungi were as follows: Rhizoctonia solani-cultural type III B (brown sheath blight disease), Rhizoctonia oryzae (bordered sheath spot disease), Sclerotium oryzae-sativae (brown sclerotial disease) and Sclerotium hydrophilum (globular sclerotial disease). 273 out of 368 samples of sheath blight like lesions were isolated to be sheath blight disease, taking 74.2 percent of the total samples, while 13 out of 134 samples of pseudo sheath blight lesions were isolated to be sheath blight disease, taking 9.7 percent of the total samples. Two or more sclerotial fungi could be isolated from diseased leaf sheaths that collected from same field or same hill. Brown sheath blight disease, bordered sheath spot disease and brown sclerotiaI disease were frequently found in the southern part of Taiwan, and occasionally they could be found even in the same hill. Sclerotial bodies of Rhizoctonia oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani-cultural type III B and Sclerotium oryzae-sativae were observed in the tissue of diseased lesions. Sclerotia of Rhizoctonia oryzae were in salmon pink, while sclerotia of the other two fungi were in brown to dark brown.
