  • 期刊


Studies on Manufacturing Machines and Methods of Localized Medium and Dehydrator



本研究在探討生產低肥育苗介質的方法與機械,其中包括不同材料混合製造法之研究與脫肥機械之研製,製造法分低氮材料調配製造法與高氮材料調配製造法兩種,前者採用金針菇廢木屑、香菇廢木屑、粉碎穀殼以1.5:1.5:1.0比例混合後露天堆積,每兩星期翻堆一次,經8個月的自然醱酵與雨水淋洗達到降低肥份的目的。後者採用金針菇廢木屑、香菇廢木屑、粉碎穀殼、豆粕粉、米糠、尿素等材料以3.5 m^3:3.5 m^3:3.5 m^3:470 l:297 l:45 l比例混合,在堆肥舍內設有高壓通氣設備的槽內進行,每星期翻堆一次,經5個月的醱酵期後,再以同體積1:1的清水浸泡脫水後成為低肥份介質,經育苗試驗証明,後者優於前者,且優於進口Triohom介質。在脫肥機研究方面,發現離心式脫水機,含水率雖可降至體積含水率25%,但祇能作少量分批式脫水,而螺旋擠壓式脫水機,有連續大量處理的功能,較適合工廠生產的需要,經試驗發現,以直徑20 cm,螺距8 cm,螺長100 cm之壓榨機以6極5HP電動馬達,經減速為56.8 RPM時,壓榨過的介質體積含水率可降到26%,介質EC值可由9.35 mS/cm降至2.72 mS/cm,處理量為8.44 m^3/hr。


低肥介質 脫水機


The procedure and machine for manufacturing low-fertility media in raising seedlings were studied. There were two manufacturing methods: one was for low-nitrogen materials and the other was for high-nitrogen materials. The low nitrogen materials made from mixing golden mushroom waste and mushroom waste with crushed rice hulls at the ratio of 15: 15: 10 and then piled up in an open area and agitated every two weeks for 8 months. The fertility of the medium decreased after fermentation and being washed by rains. The high nitrogen materials were mixed from golden mushroom waste, mushroom waste, crushed rice hulls, soybean powder, rice bran and urea by the ratio of 3.5 m^3: 3.5 m^3: 3.5 m^3: 470 l : 297 l : 45 l and then piled up in the ventilating fermentation-tank and agitated each week for 5 months. After fermentation, the medium was washed by an equal volume of clean water to decrease its fertility. The results showed that the medium made from low-nitrogen materials was better than that that made from high-nitrogen materials, and even better than the imported medium Triohom. The results also showed that the water content of the medium decreased to 25 % by using centrifugal dehydrator, but the dehydration efficiency was very low. The screw dehydrator when operated continuously showed a higher performance than the former dehydrator, and more suitable for mass production. The results also showed that the screw dehydrator with 20 cm diameter, 8 cm screw pitch and 100 cm screw length decreased the water content of the medium to 26 % under the condition of 56.8 RPM and 5 HP motor. After dehydration, The E.C. value was reduced from 9.35 to 2.72 and the treatment capacity was 8.44 m^3/hr.


Low fertility medium Dehydrator
