  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Development of On-line Pear Sorting System by Sugar Content Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy


本研究利用美國Oriel公司MS260i型矽材質光二極體陣列式分光光度計,波長範圍900-1100 nm,研發線上型梨果糖度分級系統,44個梨果經過線上掃描取得吸收光譜後,經二階差分前處理過之光譜,再利用Unscrambler®軟體進行PLSR模式分析,結果顯示,使用1個因子之PLSR模式梨果糖度校正線,其交叉驗證相關係數及標準差分別為0.698及0.335。以線上型機種開發而言,若能在維持SECV值情況下,擴大梨果樣本糖度分佈範圍以增加RPD值及結合相關之分級設備,則此技術的應用是可以期待的。


This work aimed to utilize an Oriel spectrograph named MS260iTM with silicon photodiode array spectrophotometer in the wavelength range between 900 and 1100 nm for on-line pear fruits grading. Spectra of forty-four pear fruits scanned on-line, pretreated by second derivative method, and then analyzed by PLSR model supplied by Unscrambler ® software. The calibration curve of sugar content in pear fruits had correlation coefficient and standard error of cross validation 0.698, 0.335 °Brix, respectively. The result shows the possibility of using NIR spectroscopy in the pear grading process in the future provided that the RPD value will be increased by broadening the standard deviation of sugar content in pear samples and maintained the SECV value and appropriate sorting instruments are developed.
