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Revenue Analysis of Guanyin Township Lotus Farm in Taoyuan County operated by Production Model


本研究針對桃園縣觀音鄉初經營休閒產業之蓮園農場為對象,除選擇民眾廣泛食用的蓮子及蓮藕的蓮花種類外,亦使用具經濟價值的蓮梗及切花素材的蓮花等種類作為試驗材料,以評估蓮園農場周年生產永續經營的模式。本研究共設計4個試驗區塊面積0.75 ha,分別種植可生產蓮花(0.15 ha)、蓮梗(0.3 ha)、蓮子(0.1 ha)及蓮藕(0.2 ha)等蓮產品種類之蓮花,除調查產量外,並調查農場生產成本及市場價格,進行收益分析,經扣除種苗費、肥料費、人工費及地租等基本成本後,每0.1 ha每個月平均淨收入29,813元,若以現行勞動部公佈之個人基本工資新台幣19,047元為基準,則以一家四口自行經營蓮園農場者,則至少需經營0.3 ha以上始可維持基本工資收入。


蓮花 農場 生產經營 收益


This research is aimed at the farmers in Guanyin township of Taoyuan County who are just entering the leisure industry, using lotus species in four different kinds of lotus productions as materials to develop an income model of sustainable annual yield management. With one kind of lotus for root production, another kind for seed production, a third kind for stem production, and a fourth kind for flower production, a total of 4 sampling plots in an area of 0.75 ha were established. We calculated the yield and surveyed sales price, then deducted the costs include seedling, fertilizer, labors, and land-rent, there were NTD 29,813 net revenue per 0.1 ha in an average month. A family of four must work at least 0.3 ha in order to meet the government requirement of each person earning at least NTD19,047 per month.


lotus farm production management revenue
