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Development of Mesona Variety Taoyuan No. 3- Xian Feng


仙草新品種桃園3號-仙豐之原品系代號為TYM15174,係以具有高凝膠能力性狀之仙草品種桃園1號為母本,與具有半直立株型及高香氣性狀之桃園2號為父本進行雜交;歷經單株選拔、品系比較試驗及仙草茶感官品評等試驗,評估其各項農藝及品質特性,於2021年10月7日命名通過。本品種屬半直立性株型,株高34.8 cm,株幅124.8 cm;莖生長速率極大,節間長度約4.45 cm,節間直徑4.8 mm,紫紅色,多茸毛型,分枝數19.8個,莖長度66.1 cm;葉呈披針形,葉上表面皺摺多,葉淺綠色,葉長7 cm,葉寬3 cm;收穫期日數159日,始花期日數167日,盛花期日數185日,花絲淡紫色,花瓣紫色,花序長度11.5 cm,花序直徑1.5 cm,花序小花數1,114個,凝膠強度256.5 g。


育種 香氣 凝膠 豐產


'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng', a new mesona variety was developed and release through hybridization of Taoyuan No. 1 (♀) with high gelling ability and Taoyuan No. 2 (♂) with the semi-erect plant type and high aroma. The selected line TYM15174 was formally approved for registration and designated as variety 'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng' on October 7, 2021, after a series of testing and evaluation. 'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng' was a semi-erect plant type with 34.8 cm in plant height, 124.8 cm in width and the stem growth rate of 'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng' is extremely high, with 4.45 cm in internodes length, 4.8 mm in internodes diameter, the stem of 'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng' is purple-red, hairy type, and the branche number is 19.8 cm, the stem length is 66.1 cm; the leaves are lanceolate, the upper surface of the leaves is much wrinkled, the leaves of 'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng' are light green, the leaves size is about 7 cm in length and 3 cm in width; the first bloom stage of 'Taoyuan No. 3-Xianfeng' is 167 days, and full bloom stage is 185 days, harvest time is 159 days, the filaments are lavender, the petals are purple, the inflorescence size is about 11.5 cm in length, 1.5 cm in diameter, and inflorescences number is 1,114, gel formation strength is 256.5 g.


Breeding Aroma Gel High yield
