  • 期刊


The Study on Hemoglobin Electropheresis Reference Value of Chinese


鑑於血紅素分析有助於林純診斷血紅素病變〈hemogobinopathy〉之重要性,本研究計收集249個測定血紅素電泳分析,但臨床診斷無寫紅素遺傳之病人檢體及20個足月正常分娩之臍帶血,依年齡分類,以瞭解血紅素A、F及A2自出生至成人的發展。結果如下: 1.臍帶血之Hb A百分比是27±4.3%〈平均值±標準偏差〉;出生後至第一個月Hb A上升為43±20%;之後快速上升,至第六個月上升至90±4.8%;到第二十四個月時達96±5.1%。而成人Hb A百分比是97±1.7%。 2.臍帶血之Hb F百分比為73±4.4%;出生後至第一個月降為57±20%;然後快速下降,至第六個月降至7.3±4.8%,第二十四個月時,降至0.5±1.0%。成人時Hb F百分比是0.3±0.9%。 3.臍帶血中的Hb A2濃度極微,以電泳法無法測定。其他各年齡群之Hb A2百分比均小於4%。




Hemoglobin electrophoresis is indispensable for the detection of hemoglobinopathies. Hemoglobins are genetically controlled and the presence of abnormal hemoglobins is often associated with functional, physical and morphological abnormalities in the erythrocyte as well as pathological manifestation. The hemoglobin value is age-dependent so the reference values of normal development are important for identification hemoglobinopathies. In this study, we analyzed 269 samples of EDTA whole blood which were collected from 20 cord bloods of normal full term newborns and 249 nonhemoglobinopathies. The results were as follows: 1.The Hb A value of cord blood was 27 4.3% (Mean±SD). It increased rapidly after brith and reached 90±4.8% at 6 months of age, and then increased slowly to 96±5.1% at 24 months of age. The Hb A value of adult was 97±1.7%. 2.The Hb F value of cord blood was 73±4.4%. It decreased rapidly after birth and reached 7.3±4.8% at 6 months of age, and then decreased slowly to 0.5±1.0% at 24 months of age. The Hb F value of adult was 0.3±0.9%. 3.The Hb A2 was undetectable in cord blood. It increased slowly up to adult age. The Hb A2 value at each age group was less than 4%.


Hb electrophoresis reference values
