  • 期刊

正常兒童顏面形態及成長發育之研究 I:顏面部正面之研究

A Study of Facial Growth and Development of Children I: Study of the front View


為了要了解顏面鼻唇部的成長發育和形態,以及確立正常兒童顏面發育的資料以便與異常者做比較並進一步作為治療顏面缺陷者依據,任意選出顏面正常發育年齡三歲至六歲之兒童602名,攝取顏面部正、側、仰面之照片而測量之,本篇為顏面鼻唇部正面之測量得到以下之結果。 1. 內眼角幅徑、鼻翼幅徑、鼻基部幅徑、口裂幅徑,在四到五歲有顯著的性差,六歲時則無性差。 2. 顏面鼻唇部上下方向的成長在三到五歲左右有顯著的性差,六歲時則無性差。 3. 鼻部的成長發育男女在三到四歲時及女子五到六歲時之成長量很大,此外男子五到六歲時鼻的成長率會減少,因此,從鼻的發育成長來看,三到四歲與五到六歲的男女鼻部的變動大。 4. 有關上唇的成長發育,三歲無性差,但隨著年齡的增長會呈現顯著的性差。 5. 上唇的高徑,男女隨著年齡的增長變化較小,生後三、四個月的上唇高與六歲左右相比並無顯著差異。 6. Cupid’s bow角隨著年齡的增長有尖銳化的傾向。這與上唇高徑隨著年齡的增長沒有變化的原因有關。 7. 上下唇紅唇厚度隨著年齡的增長沒有甚大的變化,下唇紅唇厚度通常比上唇紅唇厚度顯示出較大的有意差。




Six hundred and five children from age three to six were examined by the method of cephalometric photographs. Each child had three pictures taken, including the front, upward and lateral views. The results of the front view were as follows: (1) There existed significant differences between males and females at the ages of four and five years, which were listed as follows: 1) the distance between the internal eye angles 2) the width of the nose 3) the width between both sides of cheilion 4) the width between both sides of the ala base At the age of six, there were no significant gender differences among above measurements. (2) The vertical growth of the face at the age of three to five indicated large difference according to gender but those differences disappeared at the age of six. The amount of facial growth in the vertical direction was two times more than that of the horizontal direction. (3) In the view of facial growth, the variation of nasal development was quite large at the period from three to four and, from five to six years old. There fore, during those critical periods, the operation of the nose was contraindicated. (4) There existed no differences according to gender of the growth of the white lip at the age of three, but when the age increased, the sexual difference appeared. (5) There was very little variation of the height of the white lip was almost unchanged between four months old to six years old. (6) The Cupid’s bow angle tended to become more acute following the increase of age. Maybe it is the reason why the height of the upper lip was almost never unchanged when the age increased. (7) The thickness of the vermillion of both lips had little change with the increase in age. The thickness of the vermillion of the lower lip was always larger than the upper lip.
