





Testicular neoplasm is rare in this country. In the past five years 20 cases had been diagnosed at VGHTC. Three cases were of metastatic lesions, and 17 cases were primary germinal cell tumors. All suspected cases initially received ultrasound examination to differentiate intratesticular or extratesticular lesion. Intratesticular lesions were all treated by inguinal orchiectomy for the pathological proof. Staging procedures were done including chest X-ray, CT of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and tumor markers. The choice of therapy after orchietomy was according to the cell type and clinical stage. Seminoma and non-seminoma are the main subdivisions of testicular germinal neoplasm. Four cases in germinoma were in stage I, one case in stage II and another one in stage III. In non-seminoma, 7 cases were in stage I, 2 cases in stage II and 2 cases in stage III. All cases in stage I & II have remained alive after treatment. Three cases in stage III died within one year after orchiectomy. The prognosis of germinal testicular neoplasm is determined by early diagnosis and treatment. Chemotherapy with multidrug formulas also has significant effect on the treatment of testicular germinal neoplasm.

