  • 期刊

Alterations of Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Hypothermia



本研究利用已建立之腦幹聽覺誘發電位(BAEPs)的老鼠模式,探討低溫處置對腦幹之影響。選用11 隻成熟雄性大鼠,於麻醉後,給予低溫處置,使其中心體溫逐步從37˚C降至25˚C,控制約每十分鐘下降1˚C。而在每1˚C的體溫變化時即予以常規之BAEPs記錄,藉以從中評估大鼠之中樞及周邊聽覺傳導系統。結果當體溫漸漸下降,BAEPs的各波潛時也隨之有顯著意義之延長,且以愈後面之波受影響愈大,各波間潛時亦隨體溫下降而有延長之情形,至於波振幅則隨體溫下伱而有降低現象,但一致性較差。而當體溫達25˚C後,即以電熱毯加溫,使大鼠體溫慢慢恢復側原來,此時BAEPs之各潛時皆可回復,與低溫處置前無顯著差異,且可順利存活下來。本實驗結果與文獻有很好之一致性,但在分析低溫處置對腦幹聽覺徑路的影響時,本研究結果與以往研究強調在腦幹近端受低溫影響較大不同,而顯示低溫對整個聽覺徑路的影響是一樣的,而非對特定區域有較大之影響。在極低溫處置下(26-25˚C),有一隻大鼠之BAEPs波形完全消失,且發生呼吸及心跳停止之現象,立即予以復蘇術急救並加溫後,此大鼠可存活下來。此現象顯示低溫處置乃功能性之影響,為可逆性之反應。




Brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were studied as a cri-terion for evaluating hypothermic effects on the brainstem in rats. Eleven adult male Long-Evans rats were cooled slowly from 37˚C to 25˚C by an ice pad. BAEPs were recorded at intervals of every 1˚C of change, and both central and peripheral acoustic conductions were assessed. As the body tem-perature decreased, latencies significantly increased, with the most promi-nent effect at the higher brainstem level. Interpeak latencies were prolonged also, while the reverse occurred with warming. These data agree with previ-ous studies in other animals and men. However, during analysis of the effects of hypothermia on the brain stem auditory pathway, it was shown that these hypothermic effects were equally distributed throughout the whole pathway in the present study, rather than being emphatic in the proximal portion only. Greater prolongation of latencies in the proximal protion was caused by a cumulative effect from the distal peaks. Recovery was attained com-pletely after rewarming and subsequent survival. Under extreme hypother-mia, BAEPs disappeared gradually with apnea and cardiac arrest; however, resuscitation and rewarming saved the rats. In addition to wishing to make conventional observations, the present study sought to recognize the section of the acoustic pathway most sensitive to hypothermic effects and interpret the outcome after hypothermia treatment.


BAEPs hypothermia cardiac arrest
