  • 期刊


The Correlating Factors Affecting Nursing Personnel Resignation in an University Hospital


向1979年1月至1987年12月31日止,在某醫學院附設醫院服務之護理人員共1080名為研究對象。其中仍在職者635名,離職者457名。由護理人員個人屬性(年齡、婚姻狀況、子女數、教育程度等)及其離職原因,以分析兩者之間相關性及離職原因之)順位,以供為護理人員聘用及護理行政管理上之參考。由脊料分析結果發現,離職原因之)順位為轉公立醫院、進修、結婚、轉職、轉教職、個人因素、赴沙烏地區醫療團、家庭因素、遷居等。個人屬性方面,教育程度及婚姻狀況之不同而影響離職原因,離職人員服務年資為30.0±29.59個月,離職人員服務年資及其離職率與年齡、婚姻狀況、子女數、教育程度自變項的不同而有差異。年齡分佈以21~30歲居多佔79.0 %,其離職率最高45.64 % , 20歲以下年齡群服務年資最短,30歲以上者最長。已婚者服務年資比未婚者長,有子女者比無子女者服務年資長。教育程度方面,以護理系畢業生服務年資最短168 ±10.3個月,其離職率最高71.1 % ( 86 / 121)。又由資料分析結果,顯示護理人員專業執照及其居住區域也與離職有關,護理師比護士之離職率高,居住南部者比居往其他區域者離職率低。




Demographic characteristics of 1080 university hospital nursing personnel were studied from January 1979 to December 1987. These characteristics included age, marital status, number of children and educational background. Among them, 457 nurses have resigned, while others remain in service. We evaluated the correlations between resignation and various demographic characteristics and the reasons for resignation. This would provide valuable references for nursing recruitment and hospital administration. Our analysis revealed that the reasons for resignation are in the following order: Transfer to governmental hospital, advanced study, marriage, change of occupation, transfer to teaching, personal problems, medical corps to Saudi-Arabia, family responsibilities, and relocation to other cities, Regarding to demographic characteristics, both educational background and marital status affected the reasons for resignation. The average length of service time for nurses who resigned was 3 0.0± 29.59 months. There are significant differences among the age, marital status, number of children and educational background. The nurses between the age of 21 and 30 years old, (79%) had the highest rate of resignation (45.64%). Those below the age of 20 had the shortest service time, while those above 30 years old had the longest service time. The maried nurses also had a longer service time than the single ones, Those who had children had a longer service time compared to those whithout children. In view of their educational background, those with a bachelor degree had the shortest service time (16,8±10.3 months) and the highest rate of resignation (7 1.1%). Our analysis indicates that professional license and location of residence also affected the reasons for resignation, Registered nurses had a higher resignation rate than licensed practical nurses. Also, nurses living in the southern part of Taiwan had a lower resignation rate than those living in other parts of Taiwan.


