  • 期刊


Standardized Incidence Ratios for Cancers in Taiwan Aborgines, 1981 - 1987


本研究利用標準化發生比(Standardized Incidence Ratios)進行山地鄉癌症發生之研究,收集民國70至76年,七年間臺灣地區30個工地鄉居民所有癌症的發生數(995人),與同期臺灣地區所有癌症發生數(137,159人),並依各族別、性別之詮細癌症發生數目,加以比較分析,同時計算其95%信賴區間(95%CI),以判斷其意義。 研究結果發現山地鄉原住民之全癌症(All sites)標準化發生比,無論男女皆比臺灣地區顯著較低,分別為0.72(95% CI0.67-0.78)、0.66(95%CI:0.59-0.72)。各特定癌症研究,發現男性鼻咽癌標準化發生比稍高,特別是布農、魯凱二族男性,而女性排灣族之鼻因癌之標準化發生比皆顯著較高,分別為1.22(95% CI:1.03-1.44)、1.48(95% CI:1.14-1.92),特別是泰雅、布農族男性與泰雅族女性。陰莖及其他男性生殖器官癌症顯著高於臺灣地區,特別是排灣族,其標準化發生比高達6.24(95% CI 2.02-14.53)。而女性淋巴結癌亦顯著高於臺灣地區,特別是布農族和雅美族,標準化發生比分別高達4.21(95% CI:1.36-9.81) ,12.43(95% CI:1.50-44.89),但男性則否。 但男性之結直腸癌、肺癌、肺胱癌及口腔癌與女性之結直腸癌、肺癌、乳癌、子句頸癌的標準化發生比皆顯芺低於臺灣地區。男女性之結直腸癌標準化發生比分別為0.45(95% CI:0.32-0.61),0.25(95% CI: 0.13-0.42),特別是泰雅、排灣二族,無論男女皆顯著較低。男女性肺癌之標準化發生比分別為0.52(95% CI:0.41-0.66)、0.58(95% CI: 0.38-0.86),尤其是泰雅、布農、排灣男性及排灣族女性皆顯著低於台灣地區。泰雅族男性之膀胱、口腔癌標準化發生比皆顯著低於臺灣地區,分別是0.18(95% CI:0.02-0.65)、0.29(95% CI:0.08-0.74)。而山地女性之子宮頸癌、乳癌標準化發生比為0.46、0.38,特別是泰雅族、布農、排灣族之子宮頸癌與泰雅、排灣族之乳癌,發生情形皆顯著偏低。




Standardized incidence ratios (SIR) of malignant neoplasms in Taiwanese Aborigines were analzed. In all, 955 cases of cancers had been reported in 30 Taiwanese Aboriginal com-munities between 1981 and 1987. In the same time period, 137, 159 cases were registered in Taiwanese and Carefully categorized according to race, gender, site and freqency of occurrence. Sex and tribe-specific standardized incidence ar-tios with 95% confidence interval were cal-culated. We found that the standardized incidence ratios of all cancers in Aborigines was lower than that in the general population of Taiwan for both Aboriginal men (0.72, 95% CI:0.67-0.78) and women (0.66, 95% CI:0.59-0.72). OF se-lected malignant malignant neoplasms, SIR for nasopharygeal carcinoma was slightly elevated in men, especially in the Bunun anb Rukai tri-bes and significantly elevated in Paiwan women (2.95, 95% CI: 65-4.87). The SIR for gastric cancer was significantly elevated for both men (SIR=1.22, 95% CI:1.03-1.44) and women (1.48, 95% CI: 1.14-1.92), especially in Atayal and Bunun men and Atayal women. There was a higher than expected level of incidence of penis cancer and other male genital cancers, especially in Paiwan people, with the SIR as large as 6.24 (95% CI:2.02-14.53). The SIR of lymph node cancer was significantly increased in Bunun (4.21, 95% CI:1.36-9.81) and Yamei women (CI:1.50-44.89),but not for all Aboriginal men. Colon, rectum, lung, bladder and oral ca-ncers in aboriginal lung, bladder and oral ca-ncrs in aboriginal men and colon, rectum, race, gender, site and freqency of occurrence. Sex and tribe-specific standardized incidence ar-tios with 95% confidence ineterval were cal-culated. We found that the standardized incidence ratios of all cancers in Aborigines was lower than that in the geneal population of Taiwan for both Aboriginal men (0.72, 95% CI 0.67-0.78) and women (0.66, 95% CI:0.59-0.72). Of se lected malignant neolasms, SIR for nasopharvngeal carcinoma was slightly elevated in men, especially in the Bunun and Rukai tri-bes and significantly elevated in Paiwan women (2.95, 95% CI: 1.65-4.87). The SIR for gastric cancer was significantly elevated for both men (SIR=1.22, 95% CI: 1.03-1.44) and women (1.48, 95% CI:1.14-1.92), especially in Atayal and Bunun en and Atayal women. There was a higher than expected level of incidence of penis cancer and other male genital cancers, especially in Paiwan people, with the SIR as large as 6.24(95% CI: 2.02-14.53). The SIR of lymph node cancer was significantly increased in bunun(4.21, 95% CI:1.36-9.81) and Yamei women (CI: 1.50-44.89), but not for all Aboriginal men. Colon, rectum, lung, bladder and oral ca-ncers in aboriginal men and colon, rectum, lung breast and cervical cancer in women occu-rred significantly less frequently than in the ge-neral population. The SIR of colon and rectum carcinoma was significant lower for both men (0.45, 95% CI:0.32-0.61) and women (0.25, 95% CI:0.13-0.42), particularly in the Atayal and Paiwan tribes. The SIR of lung cancer was 0.52(95% CI:0.41-0.66) in Atayal, Bunun, Pai-wan men and 0.58 (95% CI:0.38-0.86) in Pai-wan women. There were siginificantly lower than expected levels of incidence of bladder(0.18, 95% CI: 0.02-0.65) and oral cancer(0.29, 95% CI:0.08-0.74) for Atayal men. Aboriginal women had siginicantly lower SIR of cervical cancer (0.46) especially in Atayal, Bunun, Pai-wan women and of breast cancer (0.38) especi-ally in the Atayal and Paiwan women. But ca-ncer of esophagus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and prostate occurred among Aboriginal people at the same rate as in the general Taiwan.


Chien, C. R. (2008). 肺癌篩檢之評估 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02527
