  • 期刊


The Effects of Management Difficulty and Family Functions on Metabolic Control of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus


本研究採量性研究法,向中華民國糖尿病學會「臺北市胰烏素依賴型糖尿病(IDDM)登錄小組」及康泰塞金會IDDM聯誼會之會員中,國小四年級至高中三年級之病息的母親為研究對象,運用結構問春之方法收集資料,以探討母親的壓力,家庭功能、執行困難與居家自我照顧和糖化血色素的關係。 研究結果發現家庭功能愈好,居家自我照顧情形愈好;飲食控制愈有困難,居家自我照顧愈不好;居家自我照顧和糖化血色素值成負相關,尤其是常做血糖監測及出門時會攜帶預防和解除低血糖反應的食物,則其糖化血色素值控制的越好;同時家庭的角色功能、父親的教育程度、病童的教育年級、宗教信仰、飲食控制困難對居家自我照顧的變數具有46.6%的解釋力;而整體的居家自我照顧,醫療給付方式,血糖監劃的困難,及一年內因低血糖住院的次數對糖化血色素之變數有42.6%的解釋力。




This study was designed as a quantitative study. Subjects ranging from the fourth grade of primary school to the third year of senior high school were drawn from the survey project of Taipei IDDM Registry and from the Kang Tai IDDM Association. The mothers of these diabetic children were asked to complete questionnaires. The purpose of this paper was to explore the influences of maternal stress, management difficulties and family function on self- management of diabetes and HbA1c. Results indicated that family function was positively and significantly related with self- management. There was a significant correlation between the difficulty of diet control and self-management. The total self-management, blood glucose monitoring and preventive measures for hypoglycemia were negatively correlated with HbA1c. Forty-six point six percent of the variance of self-management could be explained by the family role function, paternal education, patient’s school grade, religion and difficulty of diet control. Forty-two point six percent of the variance of HbA1c could be accounted for by total self-management, payment method, difficulty of blood glucose monitoring and frequency of hospitalization due to hypoglycemia.


