  • 期刊


A Statistical Analysis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma


口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌是最常見的口腔惡性腫瘤,約佔口腔惡性腫瘤的90%。本研究是回顧1987-1991年經高雄醫院學院病理切片檢查診斷為口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌的211個病例。男性194人,女性17人,男女比高達11.4:1。年齡分佈從23歲至95歲,平均51.96歲。63.3%的病例發生在40至50歲之間。發生部位以頰黏膜最多,佔40.8%,其次分別在是舌部佔25.6%,下顎牙齦佔17.1%,上顎佔9.5,下唇佔5.2%,口抵佔1.9%。將195力有完整的口腔習慣記錄者,以Hierarchical Loglinear Analysis分析時用煙、酒、檳榔習慣和口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌在口內的發生部位之相關性,並以多因子變異數分析探討口腔習慣對發生年齡的影響。經分析後發現有嚼檳榔習慣的患者佔73.85%,其平均年齡是49.04歲。無嚼食檳榔習慣者平均年齡是59.27歲。有飲酒習慣的患者佔50.26%,有抽煙習慣者的患者佔76.92%。其中飲酒習慣和發生部位及發生年齡無明顯相關。而抽煙對發生年齡無明顯影響,但會使發生在頰黏膜及舌部的比率增加;而嚼食檳榔習慣者口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌易發生在黏膜,發生年齡也無嚼食檳榔習慣者年輕10.23歲。而86.15%的患者不是有抽煙就是有嚼檳榔的習慣。因此呼戒除嚼食檳榔和抽煙習慣應是醫界及公共衛生學界急需努力的方向。




Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the oral cavity, and it accounts for about 90% of malignant oral tumors. We have retrospectively reviewed 211 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma which were confirmed by histopathological examination at Kaohsiung Medical College Hospital in the period between 1987 and 1991. There were 194 males and 17 females, with a male to female ratio of 11.4 to 1. The age of the patients ranged from 23 to 95 years, mean 51.96 years, with the greatest incidence of disease in the ages between 40 and 59 years (63.3%). Squamous cell carcinoma occurred most often on the buccal mucosa. There were 40.8% of cases which occurred on the buccal mucosa, 25. 6% on the tongue, l7.l% on the gingiva of mandible, 9.5% on the maxilla, 5.2% on the lower lip and 1.9% on the floor of mouth. 195 cases with a recorded history of habits in the patient’s medical records were evaluated for the relationships between habits, patient’s age and the location of the tumor involved. We have used a general factorial ANOVA to examine the relationship of habits and patients’ age. A Hierarchical Loglinear Analysis was used to determine whether there was an association between habits and the location of tumor involved. Of the 195 cases, 144 (73.85%) chewed betel nut regularly. The mean age of the patients with betel nut chewing habits (49.04 years) was significantly younger than that of the patients without betel nut chewing habits (59.27 years) (pO.OO6). A history of smoking was recorded in 76.92% of patients, and regular alcohol intake was recorded in 50.26% of patients.- There was no significant correlation between alcohol intake and patient’s age, nor between alcohol intake and location of tumor. But there was a significant correlation between oral habits and the tumor location. Squamous cell carcinoma of buccal mucosa was more frequently found in those with betel nut chewing habits (pO.Ol19) and cancers of smokers were more often found on the buccal mucosa and tongue (pO.0481). The high incidence of buccal cancer in Taiwan is thought to be associated with the smoking and betel nut chewing habits. Therefore, for prevention of oral cancers it is important to give up the smoking and betel nut chewing habits.


squamous cell carcinoma oral habits


