  • 期刊


The Bonding Mechanisms of Base Metals for Metal-Ceramic Crown Microstructure Analysis of Bonding Agent and Gold Bond between Porcelain and Base Metals


賤金屬已廣泛應用於牙科贋復物,因價格便宜,硬度強並具有抗張力及良好的彈性係數。而含鈹之賤金屬流動性好易終鑄造而增加金屬冠邊緣之密合度,又可影響金屬表面之氧化層及瓷層與金屬間之結合強度。而結合劑(bonding agent)和金結合劑( gold bonding agent)會影響瓷層與金屬間之結合力。本實驗採用四種賤金屬(二種含鈹合金,二種不含鈹合金),使用結合劑和金結合劑及不使用上列二種結合劑,以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察瓷層與結合劑,金屬基質臨界面之顯微結構及結合情形,並利用X射線能量分析儀(EDX)測定使用結合劑及金結合劑其瓷層內矽、錫、鋁及合金基質內鎳、鉻、鉬、鋼、氧等元素之分佈。其結果如下: 1.氧化層厚度以含鈹的合金(Rexillium III, Unitbond)較簿,不含鈹的合金(Unibond, Wiron 88)較厚。 2.氧化層厚度在空氣中(十分鐘及三十分鐘組)均以合金Unit-bond較薄(分別為2.45μm及3.80μm ) ,以合金Wiron 88較厚(分別為4.39μm及5.96μm)。 3.氧化層厚度在真空中十分鐘組裡,以合金Rexillium III較薄(約1.93μm),以合金Wiron 88較厚(約2.30μm),在真空中三十分鐘組裡,以合金Unitbond 較薄(約3.37μm)以合金Wrion 88較厚(約5.51μm)。 4.合金Unibond及合金Wiron 88(不含鈹),其略元素在氧化層中有明顯上升趨勢。鎳、鉬元素僅稍微上升;合金Rexillium III及合金Unitbond(含鈹)其鉻元素在氧化層中沒有明顯上升現象。 5.四種合金與瓷層間都有一層灰白色氧化層存在,其厚度差異不明顯。 6.燒瓷前使用結合劑,於瓷層中可見錫的顆粒明顯散佈於40μm的範圍中。 7.燒瓷前使用金結合劑時,在瓷層中可見金結合劑結品所形成的第二相。且在第二相之外的瓷層中可見寬50~100μm的大空洞,顯示結合極為不好。且鎳鉻等元素的擴散,會受到第二相的阻擋。




The use of base metal alloys for porcelain fused to a metal crown and bridges has increased recently because of lower price, high hardness, high tensile strength and high elastic modulus. The addition of beryllium to base metal alloys increased fluidity and improved casting fitness. Beryllium also controlled surface oxidation and bonding strength. The bonding agent and gold bonding agent also affected the bonding strength between porcelain and metal alloys. Four commercially available ceramic base alloys were studied (two alloys contained beryllium element, another two did not). The purpose of this investigation was to study the microstructure between porcelain matrix, bonding agent and alloy matrix interfaces. A scanning electron micro-probe analyzer and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) were used to study the distribution of elements (Ni, Cr, Mo, Cu, O, Si, Sn, Al) in four base alloys. The following results were obtained: 1. The thickness of the oxidized layer of Rexillium III alloy and Unitbond alloy (contained beryllium) was thinner than Unibond alloy and Wiron 88 alloy (no beryllium). 2. The thickness of the oxidized layer of alloys in air (10 minutes and 30 minutes) was thinner in Unitbond (2.45μm and 3.80μm) and thicker in Wiron 88 (4.39μm and 5.96μm). 3. The thickness of the oxidized layer occurring for a duration of ten minutes (in vaccum) showed that the Rexillium III alloy was the thinnest (l.93μm), and Wiron 88 alloy was the thickest (2.301μm). But in thirty minutes (vacuum), Unitbond alloy was the thinnest (3.37μm), and Wiron 88 alloy was the thickest (5.51μm). 4. The intensity of Cr elements was increased obviously near the interface between Unibond alloy, Wiron 88 alloy (no beryllium) and oxidized layer, but the intensity of Ni and Mo elements was slightly increased. The intensity of Cr element was not increased markedly between Rexillium III alloy, Unitbond alloy (beryllium) and oxidized layer. 5. A white-grayish oxidized layer appeared at the metal-ceramic interfaces but the thickness of oxidized layer was not obviously different. 6. The use of bonding agent at metal-ceramic interface leads to the deposition of many Sn elements at about 40μm range within the porcelain surface. 7. Second interaction phases at the porcelain layer appeared when gold bonding agent was used, and a 50-100μm microleakage occurred at the metal-ceramic interface.


bonding agent base metal oxidized layer
