  • 期刊

In Vitro Flow Visualization on the Right Ventricular Outflow Reconstruction Utilizing Extracardiac Conduits: Set-Up of Duplicator System and Its Clinical Significance







The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) reconstruction with cryopreserved valved homograft conduits was one of the most important methods in the surgical management of congenital heart defects. However, the hemodynamics for long-term conduit failure remain uncertain, and in vitro studies have not been conducted. Based on the surgical patterns of RVOT reconstruction in clinical practice, the compliant silicon elastomers were cast, and the simplified duplicator system was set up. When the system connected with an eight-channel recorder, and driven by a specified software, flow patterns were able to be visualized, and data to be collected. The simplified right heart system was stasble and duplicated well as to the characteristics according with laws of similitude in geometry and physiology, although the conduit model is not in accordance with the clinical extracardiac conduit in angulation, length, diameter, curvature and anastomsis fashion. The right heart duplicator system was a prerequisite condition for the successful research of flow fields of the right heart conduits.
