

於民國八十五年八月十二日至九月十三日,全面調查台北縣中和市九十三個里及休閒地區(含山區、公園、墓園等)登革熱病媒蚊之密度及其孳生容器種類。由調查期間各甲登革熱病媒蚊孳生幼蟲的頻度分析來看,病媒蚊密度為布氏指數三級之里數最多(41個),二級及四級者次之。此次調查發現白線斑蚊孳生容器之大小與所有積水容器之大小頻度相似。白線斑蚊(Aedes albopictus)幼蟲最常發現於水深低於5cm之積水容器(641個),佔40%,並隨著水深增加而減少。陽性孳生容器具有小於100cm²之水面面積所佔比例最高,佔37%(589個),而後隨著水面面積之增日而下降。中和市93個里所發現之所有陽性容器中,花瓶所佔比例最高(30%),水桶次之(18%)。山區所發現之陽性容器中,以水桶所佔比例最高(34%),鍋碗瓢盆等次之(11%)。公園之陽性容器中,以水桶所佔比例最高(29%),輪胎次之(15%)。墓園則以花瓶最高(57%)及陶甕次之(17%)。休閒地區之陽性積水容器,以山區每小時每人所發現之陽性容器數最多,平均為2.05個,顯著高於公園所發現之陽性容器數(0.62個)。而墓園所發現之陽性容器數(1.29個),則與山區及公園所發現寸陽性容器數,沒有顯著差異。




A survery was conducted to understand larval habitats and density of dengue vectors in Chungho city during the period of August 12 to September 13, 1996. Most villages (41 in the total of 93) were found to have the density figures of three for Aedes albopictus Skuse. The second common density figures were found at 2nd and 4th levels. The most common breeding containers found were less than 5 cm in water depth and less than 100cm² in water area. The mumber of breeding containers reduced when the water depth and size increased. The common breeding containers in villages were flower vases (30%) and water buckets (18%). In the mountains, water buckets (34%) and kitchen tools (11%) were common. In parks, water buckets (29%) and tires (15%) were commonly found. In cemeteries, the common breeding containers were flower vasese (57%) and earthenware pots (17%). The average (2.05 containers per man-hour) of positive water containers in the mountains was significantly higher than that in parks (0.62). However, the average in cemeteries (1.29) was not significantly different from those collected in mountains and parks.


