  • 期刊

Factors Influencing Functional Independence Outcome in strok Patients After Rehabilitation



本前瞻性研究目的是探討住院復健科腦中風患者預後日常生活功獨立自主的影響因素。本研究以高雄醫學大學附設中和醫院民國八十六年一月至十二月期間因腦中風住院在復健病房接受復健治療之患者150位為對象。在剛住院復健科、出院前和出院六個月後訪視時,分使用功能獨立自主量表(Functional Independence Measure, FIM)來評估日常生活功能狀況,並且使用加拿大神經量表(Canadian Neurological Scale, CNS)來評估中風患者住院時神經系統損傷的嚴重情況。收集患者主要社會人口學及住院期間臨床診斷和住院臨床評估FIM和CNS得分結果做為預測變項。出院半年後共完成142位個案日常生活狀態的追蹤訪視,結果發現訪視時日常生活功能恢復完全獨立者共有23位(16.2%)。單變項分析結果暊示:影響生活功能是否恢復完全獨音的主要因素包括年齡、住院期間是否發生併發症、是否兩側肢體運動功能皆受損、住阢時FIM和CNS量表得分能力等項目。對數複迴歸分析結果發現,住院時FIM和CNS量表得分能力可做為預後生活功能是否復獨立自主的重要預測變項。




The purpose of this study was to identify predictive variables relevant to functional independence outcomes for stroke patients following rehabilitation therapy. We prospectively studied 150 stroke patients consecutively admitted to the inpatient rehabilitation department of a university hospital from January 1 to December 31, 1997. Functional ability was assessed with the Functional Independence Measure (FIMTM) instrument on admission, on discharge of inpatient rehabilitation program, and at the 6 months follow-up visit after discharge. Severity of stroke was determined by using the Canadian Neurological Scale (CNS) on admission. In addition, major medical and sociodemographic factors were documented during hospitalization as independent variables. Of the 142 subjects surveyed, 23 (16.2 %) stroke patients achieved functional independence at home when re-visited. Univariate test and multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that the significant factors affecting functional independence included age of onset, occupation, prior heart problems, the presence of medical complications, bilateral hemiplegia, and the functional ability (FIM score) and the severity of stroke (CNS score) on admission. The results of this study suggest that the admission CNS and FIM scores are useful in the prediction of functional independence outcome for stroke survivors following rehabilitation therapy.
