  • 期刊

Calvitron Automated Hair Transplant System in Alopecia Treatment: A Case Report

以 ”科維創”CALVITRON 頭髮種植機治療禿髮之經驗-病例報告



目前治療禿髮的外科方法,基本上是將取下的後腦勺頭皮毛髮切割分成“迷你植體”和“細微植體”髮株移植片種植到前額頭頂禿髮的部位,來改善毛囊密度。基於一次大量植髮的需求,“科維創”(Calvitron)頭髮種植髮機被研發出來,它是由法國Pascal Boujema博士發明,Medicamat公司製造。本機具有:(1)Scalptome 裝有6刀片的切割刀,可剝離出5條1-2毫米寬的頭皮片;(2)Pneumatic Hairtome可自動切割出400-500迷你和細微植體髮株移植片;(3)中空鞘微動力馬達及電氣壓移植手機,可行受植區鑽孔和移植體的吸入及壓入。本文報告一位Norwood第五型男性禿髮案例,在過去一年半接受了三次植髮而且有不錯的結果。經由一位儀器操作員及手術者僅須一位助手幫忙,在3.5至4小時內即可完成所有步驟(從頭皮取髮、植髮、到傷口縫合)。此種創新的頭髮種植機讓植髮也可以用機器自動種植,不必再人工一株一株“插秧”,不僅大幅縮短手術時間,費用也節省不少,植髮存活率高,而且也不會影響植髮後的外觀。在講求時間,人力及成本會計考量的前提下,我們的經驗證明“科維創”自動植髮機是取代傳統植髮的另類手術選擇方式。


The surgical treatment of alopecia is essentially based on minigraft and micrograft techniques in which grafts are inserted into a slit or punch recipient site. To facilitate the transplantation of large numbers of these small grafts, the Calvitron automated hair transplant system has been developed. We report a case of Norwood type V alopecia who received three sessions of hair transplantation (400-500 grafts per session) over18 months with satisfactory results. During surgery, with one technician operating the machine, one surgeon and an assistant took 3.5 to 4 hours per session to accomplish the whole procedure from harvesting the grafts to implantation and closure of the donor scalp wound. This new automated minigraft and micrograft transplant technique is significantly timesaving for large numbers of grafts per session without altering the aesthetic results. It offers a good choice for hair replacement surgery to save manpower and cost. The use of the Calvitron automated hair transplant system proved to be a practical and effective approach to hair transplantation in this case.
