

中耳膽脂瘤在臨床上對於中耳裂具有相當的破壞性,而治療上通常必須藉手術清除中耳腔所有的膽脂瘤上皮成分。上皮細胞生長因子(epidermal growth factor, EGF)是一種含有53個氨基酸所組成的單鍵醣蛋白。EGF能夠刺激及分化不同的哺乳動物細胞,如表皮細胞、纖維母細胞及內皮細胞等。本研究利用免疫組織化學酵素抗體法(avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex)以EGF單株抗體免疫染色,評估比較40例膽脂瘤與34例正常耳廓後皮膚兩者之組織內表皮、纖維母細胞及內皮細胞EGF陽性細胞之分佈表現。在中耳膽脂瘤組織細胞中,EGF陽性百分比在squamous epithelium、endothelium及fibroblast細胞分別為53%(21例)、5%(2例)及5%(2例);而在耳廓後皮膚組織中,其陽性率分別為41%(14例)、0%(0例)及3%(1例)。利用卡方檢定EGF陽性細胞於各類型細胞之表現比率,兩組間並無統計學上的差異,本研究結果顯示上皮細胞生長因子在膽脂瘤中並無異常排列,而且膽脂瘤的進展可能與其本身或與周圍發炎組織所釋放生長因子的複雜相關作用機制有關。


Middle ear cholesteatoma is destructive to auditory ossicles and temporal bone, and treatment usually requires surgical removal of all epithelial content. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) can stimulate the growth and differentiation of a variety of mammalian cells, including epithelial cells. Our study used the avidin-biotin complex technique to evaluate the expression of EGF in 40 cases of middle ear cholesteatoma (active cholesteatoma, 31 cases; inactive cholesteatoma, 9 cases) and 34 normal postauricular skin samples. In middle ear cholesteatoma, EGF was expressed in squamous epithelium in 21 cases (53%), fibroblasts in two cases (5%), and cholesteatoma endothelium in two cases (5%). In normal postauricular skin, EGF was expressed in squamous epithelium in 14 samples (41%), fibroblasts in one sample (3%), and endothelium in none. No statistical difference in EGF expression was found between cholesteatoma and normal postauricular skin samples. These results show that the distribution of EGF in middle ear cholesteatoma is not deranged and that the progression of cholesteatoma might be induced by the release of factors from the cholesteatoma matrix via autocrine stimulation, or by inflammatory cells of the subepithelial tissue through paracrine stimulation, or in both of these ways.
