  • 期刊

Intra-articular Ganglion Cyst from Medial Collateral Ligament of the Knee Joint: A Case Report and Review of the Literature




一位五十七歲男性門診病患,主訴右膝內側疼痛約五年。理學檢查發現右膝內側一個約 5.5 x 4.0 x 2.0 公分之軟組織腫塊。X光檢查發現軟組織突出物於右膝內側。超音波檢查發現為一低回音之關節內囊腫,核磁共振掃瞄影像發現為一源自於膝關節內側副韌帶之多葉型均勻強度之囊性病灶,在T1下是低強度,在T2下則是高強度。在切除囊腫之前我們先以關節鏡檢查確定並無半月板破裂情形以排除半月板旁囊腫之可能。顯微檢查證實此腫塊是一膝關節內腱鞘囊腫。手術後病人症狀解除並且術後兩年追蹤無復發情形。


A 57-year-old male complained of a painful sensation on the medial joint line of the right knee for about 5 years. A palpable soft mass measuring about 5.5 x 4.0 x 2.0 cm was found on the medial joint line. Plain roentgenography showed bulging soft tissue over the medial aspect of the right knee. Sonography revealed a hypoechoic intra-articular soft tissue mass. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a multilobulated homogeneous cystic lesion originating from the medial collateral ligament, with hypointensity on T1-weighted images and hyperintensity on T2-weighted images. We performed an arthroscopic examination before surgical excision of the tumor to rule out a parameniscal cyst, and no meniscal tear was found. Microscopic examination proved that the excised tumor was a ganglion cyst. The patient was free of his previous symptoms and had no recurrence at 2-year follow-up.
