  • 期刊


Investigation of Treating Strategy on Polluted Irrigation Water-Taichung Irrigation Association in Tali Irrigation District as an Example


台灣由於近年來全力發展科技與工業生産,人口多往都市集中而引發人力之磁吸效應,加上農業生産成本高於重要農業生産國,且部份地區之灌溉水源遭受工業(廠)區排出廢水之污染,而無法像以往般生産安全糧食,以致農業漸趨萎縮。直到近來年由於氣候異常化愈趨明顯,造成世界上一些主要作物産區之穀物嚴重歉收,又因台灣農地地利用朝向多元化,而全國農業生産區又普受工業(廠)廢水之污染,形成發展之瓶頸,爲求有效解決此問題,乃進行本研究,期能尋求務實經濟可行之道。 本研究以台中農田水利會大里灌區爲研究對象,在全長5 Km之主要灌溉系統中以「大突竂圳」下游段約2 Km之灌溉用水因遭受下游工廠區所排放之廢污水污染最爲嚴重,經蒐集2003~2007年之電導度及灌溉計盡用水量,利用稀釋原理自上游引入大里溪之水源矛以稀釋或採灌排分離法加以比較並探討其可行性。結論有三:(1)以水量稀釋法進行水質改善時,單價成本約爲0.077元/噸。(2)若採灌排分離法(即在U型溝中增置小U型溝或PVC管),則其單價成本分別即可降爲0.052元/噸及0.021元/噸,約只爲水量稀釋法之68%及27%,且採灌拼分離法又不必面對用地取得及土地徵收費用等問題,應值得大力推廣。(3)本研究之結果期能提供各地區農田水利會在面對灌區內灌溉水源遭受污染時處對策之參考,以減免灌溉用水遭受污染而影響糧食之生産,自可提升農民之信心及競爭力。


Recently, owing to the rapid development of technology and industry, many people moved into cities and triggered a kind of magnetic effect, in addition, with the cost of Taiwan agriculture products higher than the important agriculture-export countries, the irrigation water of some areas were polluted by waste water discharged from industrial parks (factories), so the agriculture products of Taiwan can not be so safe as before and go worse. This study is for the purpose to solve this kind of irrigation water polluted problem and try to find a practical and economical way to improve it. Taichung Irrigation Association in Tali Irrigation District is selected as a test area in this study. The most serious polluted area is located at the lowest 2 Km downstream of 「Da-Tu-Liau Chun」 for being seriously polluted by waste water emitted from factories. The paper collect from 2003 to 2007 of the EC value and the planning irrigation water volume, and use the method (No.1) of dilution to drain water from the upstream Tali River, or use another method (No.2) by separating irrigation water from drainage, and compare the feasibility of two methods. The conclusion are: (1) Method No.1 cost 0.077 NT/ton. (2) Method No.2 can reduce its cost to 0.052 NT/ton and 0.021 NT/ton, namely, the cost arte are 68% and 27% of Method No.1, in addition, Method No.2 need not to face the problems of land-getting and money-collecting and worth for popularizing to another district. (3) The result of this study can afford as a references for other Irrigation Associations when they face the same problem like irrigation water suffering pollution, they may increase agriculture products, competitive power and raise farmer's confidence.


